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Loki dabs the cotton on the wound Thor got in his hand , Thor hisses at the contact of the antibacterial against his skin , this makes Loki looks up at him in worry , but then he presses the cotton even more harder at the wound glaring at the boys seated before him on the car

" Are you both Kids ? Fighting in public ? I thought you were better than this " he says his eyes pointed at Thor , Which actually meant Are you a kid Thor , I thought you knew better then this

Thor kept quite as only hissing when he was stabbed with cotton , The way Loki looks at him worried he might be hurt made Thor giddy with Joy , A step towards progress

" Didn't I say I will kill him if I ever see him , Lo ? The only thing stopped me from doing was you , You always come at the wrong time " Kris said

the blunt hatred toward him made Thor feel Uneasy , Even now he glaring holes into Thor as he was talking to Loki

Loki patched him up with bandage , applied cream for his bruising nose , and stepped towards his cousin

to tell the truth all the punches was ineffective at Kris , all he had was a scratch that was due to tossing around with Thor , Loki's eyes trail Kris body ,searching for wounds , He couldn't see any visible wounds , so he began to trail is hand all over Kris when he reached his shoulder blade Kris hissed in pain , Thor looks at them in jealousy , he bites his lip ands fists his hand to stop himself to pull Loki towards him

Loki said nothing to Kris which irritated Kris even more , Kris grabs Loki's face in his hand , making Loki look at him , Loki has a blank face which makes hard to read what he thinks

" Why am I the one to get silent treatment ? Look at me tell , what did I do to you for you to stop talking to me , and why the fuck are you talking to him ? " he asks griping Loki 's face his hand

Loki pushes his hand away from his face and began to soothe his red checks

" May be it has something to do with you behaviour " Loki said

" Pray tell me sir what wrong have I done ?"

" Must be the fact that you are ignore me "

"ME , you are telling me I;m ignoring you infront of that douche bag"

" Well at least he picked when I called him , you didn't even bother to text me back , I know you are going through a rough phase just give us a call tell us you are alive is all we ask . I text you when I reach and exit the campus , I text before I'm going to eat , why can't you do that ? "

" because you are nephew of Vincent , you will be their easy target to get to father , they know enough to not to mess with me "

" Who will target me ?"

Kris glanced up at Thor " I'll tell you later , I came here to take you to the hospital for check up , If you are done Patching him up can we go ?"

" Cool down boy , the first come , first serve "

" Why don't we do the ancient thing , we fight winner gets the beauty , Or are you scared I will hand your ass back just like I did now "

" Oh like your skinny ass could , I only left you because you're Loki's cousin , if I didn't think of him you would have been dead "

Kris fisted his hand and went over to Thor he raised his hands and was about to punch Thor , Loki then rushed out from the Van and tried to separate those too

" Why don't we all go together , its better than your ideas , Come on guys I just patched you up " Loki said as he managed to separate them

That's how the find themselves sitting on the either side Loki , holding his hand in a possesive manner , the doctor came in and looks at them , The tension was so thick that it could be cut by a knife . Loki felt awkward seated between them ,

" Hello Mr . Laufey , you look good as always , lets check your vitals first " Said the doctor and continues to proceed

" He's still a Odinson "

" Oh well , I have to change I guess , so who are you ?"

" Loki's Husband " Thor said with pride

and to that Kris muttered under his breathe "only if you were alive tonight "

the vitals were normal , But Loki was underweight that was concerning he should have gained at least 10 pounds by now instead he has last 15 pounds , the doctor than proceeded to do the scan , Loki was given a gown which he quickly changed into , the doctor switched on the machines and waited for Loki to come out , Loki walks in wearing the gown ,

the doctor made him lay on the bed lifted his shirt

' this is going to be cold " she said as she rubbed the gel on his stomach

Loki sucked his breathe in as the cold gel made contact with his scan , then the doctor took the scanner and began to place on Loki's stomach until they began to see two bobbed dots

" Congratulation you are having twins "

Loki turned to watch Thors expression ,Thors eyes were locked with the monitor screen where he could see two dots , Thor than and looked at him and gave him a smile as he felt his tear drop yeah this was a dream come true moment

Kris and Thor took hearty pictures of the scan , both of them happy over the roof , In the happiness Kris left them alone to pick his truck up ,It was just him and Thor now

Thor pulled him into his arms " Thank you for giving me this Loki he says to him "

Loki smiles back at him " I 'm sorry for shouting at yo that day " he says

Thor says " Don't be I deserved every word of it , I only thought about my feeling I didn't acknowledge the fact you have feeling too , I'm sorry . But that doesn't mean I'm giving up on you "

he says as he takes Loki's hand into his hand and bring it closer to his lip and gives it a kiss

" You don't have to stick with me for the baby , I will always let you meet them " Loki says

" Do you think I'm only sticking because of the baby ?" he asks Loki hoping his answer be no , when Loki looks down it became clear to Thor how Loki was insecure of himself

" Baby Or Not you are my world , without you , I'm a mess , it may take you a lot of time to come in terms with this truth and until you realise I will be working my ass of to prove it to you " Thor says

the same time horn comes making Loki to jump out of the trace to Look at Kris Jeep

" Hop in " Kris says opening the Jeep door for him

Loki place a kiss in his check and says "Take care of your self "and walks over to jeep and enters in and closes the door , Thor Looks at him until he's nowhere on sight smiling crazy over for the small peck on his cheek .letting Loki walk away was painful to him , but the belief he might see him again made him giddy .

Another chapter done

Stay safe , Stay sane , Stay healthy

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