The therapist

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The days seems to pass in blur . When Kris asked me to visit a therapist I took up the chances . Today Kris has bought me breakfast again.  I make grabby hands at him and he comes near me I kiss his forehead. 

After completing my morning rituals and eating breakfast,  I got ready for the first day of my work.  I was nervous about meeting children. Every thing is going to be alright.

When I got down stairs I was met with the that made me smile . Kris was serving his father with meals . He placed the plate down at the table and  kissed his father's forehead before walking out .

I greeted my uncle wished him a happy day ahead before following Kris. 

By the time I reached Kris was waiting for me . I got in the car and grinned at him
I'm happy that the kid gets along with his father . I checked my bag for the notes that I needed today . Kris told that we can get food from Uni cafeteria since its good .

Kris took me to The Principals office himself .

" So wait in your class , take a pic of your timetable and send it to me , I will come and pick yOu up myself for lunch and Don't talk to creepy guys , and if someone pester you call me " , he said walking to his class .

after few minuets after the departure of my cousin , The Principals Assistant said me to go in .

when I entered in I saw the Principal go through some paper . I waited for him patently for him to notice me . When he felt my presence , he glanced at me . he sat back straight , keeping the papers aside . he had a strong arura around him that made me feel weak , it made feel like I was again standing before my dad .

''I'm Loki Lafayette , signing in for filling the absence of Philosophy teacher ", I said trying my best to be confident

" Nick Owens , the Principal of this university . well I know this is your first time being a lecturer to second year students . give your best shots , be patient with the student . Always help the weaker students , give them good advices , You see when they step out of this university they should be able to withstand the reality , be kind to them and yeah , do be stern when its needed . All the best

You can collect your timetable from my assistant . and if you need help with something don't hesitate to contact me , Now you may leave " he said with a smile

he was nothing like I expected him to be . I walked out wishing him his day to be good . I collected the timetable , cupboard keys , and some files from her . a

when I asked her where the class 12-h where my class takes place , she called over the man who walked passed me and said him to help me with reaching the class .

" Oh , So where did you say you wanted to go , oh 12-h okay , So Im Sandeep nice meeting you "

" Loki Lafayette ,the new Philosophy teacher the pleasure is mine ."

" You are lecturer , man , you look so young , like in your twentyish "

" actually , 24 , skipped two grades , "

" the hell , I'm older than you , I'm 27 . holy shit. and I'm a student marine major "

we took the first left and third right and there was my class . I still had few minutes before the class starts . I sent the picture of my schedule . I got into the class and placing the belongings on the desk . the class buzzed with energy . the students were busy interacting to notice me . the bell rang , making the students to finally take their seats . I waited for them to silence themselves . Well , actually I stared at the most talkative student . when she stopped talking the whole class became aware of my presence .

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