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Like usual Kris , Was my ride to the university . Kris was the rank holder of his class , Along with it he was also learning coding . I felt much better after talking it out loud . the lecture went good , the students were normally rebellious , But as long as we have the approval of the students who ruled the campus , The whole campus worshipped four people to be exact . Ralph , Sandeep Yadav , Clara Jasmine Santigo And Sia Clause . Out of the four I have already met two . From what I have heard , Clara does Stands for the Lgbtq+ community in the campus , also that she has a lover waiting for her

And Sia , Well I heard she murdered a rapist , is an futurist . Sandeep Yadav rumored to the heir of Indian mafia , supports peace and makes sure that students don't go killing others , helps the to retain a healthy lifestyles . And Ralph is He's a jock in my opinion , A good jock that helps past abuse , rape and other victims , well not bad I guess , Seeing this leaders a hope for a better future blossoms in my mind .

Right now I'm waiting for Kris to come , I tried every way reach him (him not answering the call, Not replying back ) Then after few minutes I realised that yesterday he told me to not to wait for him that he has some work to attend

Okay then booking the cab is it . but then a race bike stopped before me , the one riding the bike removed his helmet and looked at me , none other than Sandeep Yadav .

" What are you doing so late ?" he asked

" Waiting for a cab to arrive " I said holding my bag close to me

" Why getting so defensive " he said looking at my arms " You must be hungry , I know a shop down the streets they make delicious Hamburger

" If I come with you won't I miss my cab "

" No problem , I will drop you myself "

I hesitated a bit before replying , "I'm pregnant , I don't think it wise for me to climb up on a race bike with you "

" Are you one on of those intersex who can get pregnant "

" yeah " I replied , People were not exposed about intersex, But

" well lets get our hamburger first and we will think about this later " he suggested

" well just wait here , I will be back , need to make sure my baby will be safe " he said riding his bike to the parking lots , After parking his bike and making sure that his bike his locked ,he came over to me .

we walked in silence then he handed me a card

" you might have heard about our campus having four leader , apart from making sure them having moral , We also make sure that our professors have good morals , We make sure that they help to build a better world , I hope you understand . we protect our campus "

" why are you guys doing this "

" Then do you want us to wait for a Ironman to protect the world , Crime rates are increasing , My father told me this is a man eating man world , Some one had to change that , so why not us "

he said ,

I really admire their braveness , their vision to have a bright world , I asked him no more , but he still asked the basic questions , like my favourite colour ,favourite actor etc . the basic ones

later when we reached I suddenly had carving for muffins , so we ordered hamburger for take outs , and decided to go to nearby pastry shop to find muffins, the pastry shop looked as colourful it could be with all those cupcakes , muffins and pastries on display . just as I opened the door , I mouth watered with the hit of different aromas . the shop had few chairs and table . and had still three customers dining

" welcome , how may I help you- LOki " but I never expected to be greeted by Harry best friend himself .

he walked out of the counter , I practically throwed my self at him . he caught me in his arms . I hugged as hard as possible . my legs wrapped in his waist , his hands supporting my back .

" Oh Henrrybear how have I missed you , I mourned being apart from you " I said dramatically

" Don't worry snugglepunch , our fates have united us " he said , we stared at other before bursting into laughing fit . then he let me slip down to my feet .

" So what do you want? "

" give me your best " I said him challengly

" And what do you want sir ? " he asked Sandeep

" one death by chocolate and rocky road waffle sandwich and that will be it "

he went over the counter and pulled out a plate filling it with rainbow muffins , and other pastries , since the tables were filled out he took up back to place where the staffs rest at break , Henry then asked the other guy to fill in for him

so now we all three sat enjoying the desserts ,

" well I never expected to work in a bakery even though what cook i die worth for" I said biting into the muffin

" I own this bakery and have three more branches now , even I didn't think I will own a bakery , it just happened "

I made a noise of agreement

" And I forgot to introduce , this my student Sandeep , Sandeep this is Henry Riche Milton , my one only Bff , i'm working as prof. at University of St . Andrews "

" so how is life ?"Henry asked

"long story in short , I'm divorced , fuck Thor , I'm staying at My uncle home" I said

"And you are going to be an uncle " said Sandeep

Harry chocked on his drinks " what the hell - he said

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