Chapter Nine

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Lucian and Griffin:

            “So, Wyatt, it seems your concern was for nothing,” Simeon announced.

            Despite the women’s absence from their post dinner drinks, Wyatt didn’t hold a drink in his hand. Since Marshall slept in the nursery instead of being cradled in Wyatt’s arms, Lucian wouldn’t have objected to the kid having one drink. When Wyatt declined Seth’s offer for his usual, no one called him on it. They weren’t out to get the kid drunk or even force a drink upon him.

            “Sebastian tells me the acceptances to your birthday party invitations are pouring in,” Simeon continued.

            “That’s cool,” Wyatt said.

            “Tell me, will you be inviting a special girl?” Simeon asked.

            “I’m working on something,” Wyatt admitted only this much.

            “I assume you’re talking about your attempts to get close to Jeanette Cross,” Simeon guessed, and Wyatt’s eyes widened. “While I admire your efforts, I’m afraid she’s the type of girl whose convictions won’t be easily swayed.”

            “Just because it might take some time doesn’t mean he can’t do it,” Lucian spoke up.       

            Simeon smiled. “If anyone can do it, Wyatt can. The boy’s got the impressive advantage of having such innocent good looks they betray the evil lurking beneath.”

            Rather than looking embarrassed by Simeon’s assessment of his physical appearance, Wyatt glowed with pride.

            “That being said, even if you can’t convince her to come there will be plenty to celebrate,” Simeon continued and focused his gaze on Wyatt. “I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to the day and all that it brings.”

            Wyatt grinned at him. “Me too. This is gonna be the coolest party I’ve ever had thanks to you.”

            Lucian’s body temperature escalated so rapidly it caused wisps of gray smoke to rise from his skin. Even quicker than the rise of his body temperature and the way its heat filled the room was the way he disappeared.

            Wyatt’s grin evaporated as he stared at the empty space Lucian left behind. Griffin felt bad for the kid. The way his face contorted gave the impression Lucian punched him in the gut rather than just vanishing from the room. Of course, that’s probably how Wyatt saw it. His hero worship of Lucian ran deep, and being abandoned by his hero had to hurt.

            “I wouldn’t worry about Lucian,” Simeon spoke up, looking at Wyatt. “His little disappearing act is likely his way of making a statement to me and not you.”

            Though he wasn’t so sure Simeon was right, Griffin didn’t disagree nor did he go after Lucian. If Griffin went after him, they’d end up fighting about Simeon. When it came to Simeon, it was best to leave Lucian to work things out the way he saw fit.


            A contented sigh escaped Fallon as she slid further down in the heated water of their oversized bathtub. The smell of her kiwi and melon scented bubble bath hung heavy in the air. With Angelica gone to visit her mother, and the boys locked in the study, Fallon took advantage of the opportunity for some time alone.

            “Fallon! Fallon, where are you?”

            On hearing the panic in Lucian’s tone, her first thoughts were of Marshall.

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