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The next day wasn't as weird as I thought it would be. I woke up, grabbed some clothes, and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once I was done, I went out to eat breakfast. I grabbed a bowl and put some Frosted Flakes and milk in it. I grabbed a spoon, sat down, and started eating. Daniel walked out of his room and smiled at me. "Good morning (y/n)!" I looked at him kind of confused. I thought he would try to ignore me or something but he didn't. "Morning LaRusso! How ya doin'?" I said. "I'm good, how 'bout you?" "I'm good too thanks for asking." I responded. He sat down and grabbed himself some cereal, then started eating. I tried not to think or bring up what happened yesterday. 

Once I was done, I washed my bowl, then brushed my teeth. I got my bag ready for school and sat on the couch, waiting for Daniel to finish getting himself ready. "Alright, let's go." I jumped up and followed Daniel to the door. We started walking to school and making small talk here and there. Once we got to school, we went out separate ways to our lockers. On my way, I saw this guy getting pushed around by Johnny Lawrence. I rolled my eyes and went up to them. "Johnny leave him alone man!" I said, pushing Johnny away. He was mad. He turned at me and smirked. "Whatcha gonna do about it?" Johnny said, then pushed the kid to the floor. "Look man just leave the guy alone!" I said in a pissed tone. "Or what?" That's when I pushed him aside and kicked him where it hurts. He started groaning in pain, then he walked away. I just laughed. I put my hand out to help the guy get up. "You alright?" I asked the boy. He was fair skinned, tall, had hazel eyes, and brown hair. "Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks." "Never seen you before, you new?" "Y-yeah, I am. I just moved here from Florida yesterday." He said. He looked a little nervous. "Ooh, Florida, nice!" I said. "I'm (y/n)" The boy smiled and said, "Well that's a pretty name! Nice too meet you! I'm Nathan." I smiled, then put my hand out to shake his and said, "Nice to meet you too Nathan!" I was about to walk away, but I decided to be nice and ask him if he needed any help. "You need any help getting to your classes?" I asked. "Yeah, that would be nice." Nathan said with a smile. He gave me his schedule and took him to his first class.

A/n: (Aloha peeps. I'm weird lol. Thanks for reading. Stay gold my dudes! 💛)

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