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I got up at around 6:00 am as usual and got ready for school. I showered, changed into some jeans and a t shirt, and dried my hair. Once I was done, I packed up my things and decided to bike to school. I would usually wait for Daniel and we'd walk to school together, but I didn't feel like being around him today. I went to the maintenance place which is were I kept my bike. Mr. Miyagi, the maintenance man who is also me and Daniel's sensei, let me keep it there. I walked to the place and grabbed my bike. I saw Mr. Miyagi and said hello and he waved. Then he looked at me with a confused look. "Oh uh (y/n), why you take bike today? Something wrong? Where's Daniel-san?" I looked up and said, "Oh everything's fine Mr. Miyagi. I just wanted to bike today that's all. If Daniel ask where I am just tell him I biked to school today."  "Ok. See you later (y/n)!" "See you later Mr. Miyagi!" I went to school, thinking about whats going to happen. Daniel is going to ask Ali out. I was getting upset because I knew that if Ali and Daniel start dating, I wouldn't get to spend time with Daniel anymore. "It's just a stupid crush, you'll get over it!" I told myself. 

I got to school and went to my locker to put some stuff away. I saw Ali across the hall at her locker. She waved and I waved back, putting on a fake smile. Then Daniel went up to her and started talking to her. I saw Ali jumping up and down in excitement then hug Daniel a few seconds later. "Must've asked her out already" I mumbled to myself. I looked down and sighed. I walked to class and sat in my seat. A few minutes later, Daniel walks in. I don't look and him and try to ignore him. He sits in his chair which is right behind me. The bell rings and class starts. The teacher gave us some worksheets to do for class to do independently. I finished before everyone else and turned it in. I went back to my seat and just sat there playing with my pencil. Slowly, people started going up and turning in their papers. I wasn't paying attention to anything that was happening. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. Daniel gave me a piece of paper and I opened it 

"I asked Ali out, she said yes! She also told me she likes me and now we're dating! :)" 

I wrote down underneath, "That's great LaRusso! :)" I gave him the note and didn't do anything else. The bell rang and we went on to our next classes. Ever since our freshmen year, Daniel and I have had the same schedule. Today wasn't a very good day. I just wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I did want to talk to someone about what's happening, but I didn't have any other friends besides Daniel and Ali. In every class, Daniel would keep talking about how pretty Ali is, and how he couldn't wait for their date tomorrow. I just smiled and acted like I was really happy for them. Lunch came and Ali invited me to come over and sit by her and Daniel. I didn't want to, but I did anyway. They were talking each to other the whole time, forgetting I was there. I stood up and threw my food away since I was done. I walked around the school waiting for the bell to ring so I could go to my next class. As I was walking, I saw this new kid that was having trouble opening his locker. I went up to him and asked him for help. "Hey there, need some help?" I asked. "Yeah, some help would be nice." the boy said. He looked at me and I looked at him. "Wait, MICHAEL?!" I said in shock. "(Y/N)?!" he said. We smiled and hugged each other. "Oh Michael, it's so good to see you! I missed you. What are you doing in Cali?" "My parents got jobs here. I just moved here a couple days ago." Michael and I have been best friends since we were little. We grew apart when I moved 2 years ago. He gave me his locker combination, and I opened his locker. "There," I said with a smile. "Thanks!" He said. "Man, I can't believe it! I can't believe you're here!" I said to him. He laughed. "It's good to see you (y/n). I missed you a lot." I smiled. The bell rang for the next class. "Well it's nice to see you again Michael! I'll see you around." I said to him, then walked off. I turned around and went back to him. "Do you need any help finding your classes?" I asked. "Nah, I should be good. Thanks for the offer though." I nodded. "You should come over to my place after school, we can hangout!" I said. "Sure! That sounds great." Michale said with a smile. I got out a piece of paper and wrote down my address. "Here, that's my address. I'll see you later!" I  gave him the paper and he smiled. "Alright." 

*time skip to the end of the day*

I got home from school and did some homework while waiting for Michael to come. I finished up and right when I closed my book, I heard a knock on the door. I smiled and got up to open it. "Hey (y/n)!" "Michael! Glad you made it!" We hugged each other then pulled away. "Come in!" He walked inside and sat on the couch. "So how do you like California so far?" "It's pretty good, weather's very different from New York that's for sure!" I laughed. "Yup. You get used to it though" We went to my room and sat down on my bed. We started talking about all the good times we had with each other. I was still feeling a little upset about Daniel, I wanted to let it out. "Michael, can I talk to you about something?" "Yeah of course (y/n)! What is it?" I sighed and told him the story about how I liked Daniel and stuff. "Man that's tough! Well don't be sad (y/n). You know, I used to like you before you moved." I looked at him and said, "I used to like you too!" Michael looked up at me and smiled. We were staring at each other, then...

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