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*Back to Your POV*

I was thinking about what I should do. Do I wanna go see my family, or do I want to spend Christmas with my family? I only have a couple of hours to decide. 


I walked out to the living room to tell the LaRusso's about my decisions. "Hey guys, I-I think I know what I want to do." They looked at me and I said, "I'm going to go spend Christmas with my family." I looked down at my feet. "That's great honey, I hope you have fun!" Mrs. LaRusso said. I smiled, then looked at Daniel. 

"You better get packed, I'll drive you over to the airport tomorrow." She told me. "I will." I walked back to my room, and started packing. "So you really gonna go?" Daniel asked while walking towards me. "Yeah. I'm sorry, it's just that I haven't seen my family in years, and It'd be nice to see them." I said, not turning back.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said. "I'm gonna miss you too! I'm sorry I won't be here to open your present." Daniel put on a fake smile. I walked up to him, "Don't worry, I'll be back on the 26th, I can open your present then." 

"Ok." Daniel said. I smiled at him, then continued to pack. 

A/n: (Thanks for reading! Stay gold my dudes!💛)

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