Chapter 13

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I woke up with a pounding headache as I heard my name being called over and over. I groaned as I sat up clutching my head "Julieta are you awake," I heard a panic Ryan ask me "yes," I croaked out. I heard Ryan sigh in relief "how are you feeling kid," he asked "like pure shit," I answered "how long have I been out for," I asked. "A while Julieta," Ryan told me as I laid my head and back against the wall behind me. "You gave me a real scare Julieta," Ryan informed me, I chuckled at first but ended up coughing "take it easy, ok?" Ryan told me. "Ok," I answered I closed my eyes still feeling tired as my body screamed at me telling me just how much pain we were in.
I heard the echo of the lights being turned on in the hallways and the familiar buzzing sound from the old lights. I slowly rose up and distant myself from the door ready for whatever was coming this time. Slowly but surely I hear each door being unlocked and rude comments said as the scent of food hits me. No one down here got fed often and honestly I was ok with that I just wanted the water. Everyone was given one water bottle to last them until the next time they feed us.
         I heard the familiar click of my door being unlocked then watch as it opens the bright light blinding me for a few seconds. Once my eyes are adjusted I see Ian's tall and built frame standing in the doorway he looks around until his eyes land on me. He smiles for a moment until he realizes something "what happened to you," he asked stepping forward with a plate full of food in his hand. I take a step back  despite already being close to the wall.
         "You should know you sent one of your boys to do this," I said with so much hatred and pain "sent someone," Ian said his voice sounded just as confused as his face looked. Ian came closer to me and I readied myself for another fight Ian stopped in front of me as I glared at him "Paul find out who did this now. I want you to bring them to me," Ian said. "Yes sir," Paul replies and hurries off "and you," Ian said carefully grabbing my wrist. "Need medical attention," Ian tried to pull me with him but I yanked my wrist back then kicked him. He looked back to me angry and I stood this devil right in his eyes as glared back at him unafraid.
         "Fine stay down here," Ian yelled then left me all alone down here again; I sighed as I sat back against the cold cement wall. I heard the basement door slam and I finally felt calm and ok again. Despite you know being locked up in a cell where I could have been killed in. "You ok Julieta," Ryan asked me, I smiled softly to myself, I was glad to have Ryan here to keep my company though. "As good as I can be," I informed him with all honesty; we both sat in silence now as both of us thought to what just happened. "Ryan," I said he hummed in response "if Ian didn't send that guy down. Then why did he come down here," I asked starting to feel panicked again "I don't know," Ryan told me.
         I sighed for like the millionth time since I woke up probably not even an hour ago. I placed my head on my knees, my body screaming at me in the pain it felt in this position. But I didn't care I was honestly just tired and wanted to go home. Why couldn't I just have a normal life for once? Not this bullshit with my life in danger and people trying to kill me all the time. Like for real can I get a normal life! Talking to you big man up stairs.
         We all heard the lights be flicked on and the creek of the stairs as someone came down. I didn't move though. If it was about to get the hell beaten out of me again then I want to be like this. So I surprise the mother fucker and kill him. I heard the click of foot steps as they make their way down the hall. Everyone staying silent to see who gets it this time most likely. The foot steps stopped at my door. I listened for anything but only heard the air conditioner in my cell clock on.
         Ryan has informed me that every cell has their own air conditioning and heater, so they can even torture you with how hot or cold you get. Ryan says everyone prefers to sweat than be frozen but would never say that loud enough for anyone outside of the cells to hear. I knew though that whoever the hell wanted me to pay was trying to freeze me. The cell door to me was unlocked and the man, who beat me up earlier stepped into the cell. I was already shivering from how cold it was in here. "Let's see if twenty-one degrees can freeze you to death," he said then slowly walked over to me smirking evilly at me.
         "P-P-Piss o-o-offfff," I said my teeth chattering from how cold it was getting in here fast the man kept his smirk as he stomped on my foot. I swear I felt something break. I screamed out in pain but my screams were quickly silenced when the man kicked my face smashing my head into the wall. I felt dizzy and sick like I was gonna throw up and pass out all at once. The man then walked out closing the door and locking it back. I heard Ryan telling my name and crawled over to the small plastic window. It had two small holes in it to help us talk to one an other, but it was covered in splats of blood. So it was hard to see through.
         "Stay awake Julieta," Ryan yelled at me as I heard his cell door get open "shut up," I heard the man say in anger. "Ryan," I whispered as I saw the man's figure approach Ryan, but Ryan stood and fought back. My vision became more blurry "Ryan," I whisper again then sucked in by darkness. And for once I finally at home and in peace. In the darkness I knew so well.

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