Chapter 21

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Ian's POV
Once the plane landed and we were in the SUVs Julieta looked nervous especially as we got closer to the jail her mother was in. But once we pulled up to the gate I saw a whole different side appear of Julieta. She looked cold and angry like she could shot someone and never regret it. Once we were inside and cleared they asked us who we were hear to see "Layla Jasper," Julieta said coldly. The female guard looked up to Julieta with eyes that said shit. "Julieta Jane Jasper," the guard asked Julieta nodded her head. "Fuck," Julieta said "what this bitch been saying," she seethed "I am staying out of this," the guard said then buzzed us through.
         Oscar leaned in close to my ear "and I thought we had family problems," he whispered to me "should we be worried about a fight," Paul asked. "I wouldn't put it passed her," Ryan said as we watched Julieta walking fast towards the private room I had set up for us. The guard at the door let Julieta and us in "you bitch, you spreading more bullshit," Julieta asked as she got in. Her mother was standing up but not for long as Julieta went flying over the table tackling her mother to the ground. "Oh shit," I said us four then hurried to pull Julieta off of her mother, who was honestly losing and it wasn't from the lack of trying.
         "Is that any way to greet your mother," Julieta's mother said "you aren't my mother bitch," Julieta said as Oscar and I stopped her from going after her mother. While Paul and Ryan stopped the mother from going at Julieta. "Oh I am your mother," said her mother "no your not my mother's name is Juliet and your her damn sister," Julieta said. That seemed to catch her mother off guard "oh really didn't think I would remember," Julieta said "who told you," her aunt, I guess asked her. "No one I figured it out on my own," Julieta said her aunt then sat down as Julieta then sat down in front of her.
         "We need to talk," Julieta's aunt said Julieta nodded her head as if they were having a private conversation between the two of them. "Can you guys wait outside," Julieta asked "are you sure," Ryan asked "yeah," Julieta said "we got it out of our system. Right Aunt Layla," "right," her aunt said after nodding her head. We all then slowly stepped out of the room into the hall and once the door was shut. They started talking but we couldn't hear them from where we stood.
         "So seems Julieta's family is more fucked up then ours," said Oscar "you think," I said and back handed his chest. "So if her mom is actually her aunt then that means," said Paul putting it all together "yeah stupid her father was fucking both women," said Ryan and smacked Paul upside the head. "Man that shit had to have messed with Julieta," I said looking back towards the two that were simply just talking. Both of them though looked cold and about ready to kill one another. I guess that must be a family trait... but from which side?
         Really I couldn't find anything about Julieta's grandfather it seems like he was never in her aunt's life. "Wonder what they are talking about," Oscar asked "probably closing things up between the two of them," Ryan said "Julieta tell you that," Paul asked as he took a big drag. "Yes and are you really smoking in a Prison," Ryan asked Paul "sure am," Paul answered with a big o-smile on his face. "Your an idiot," Ryan said shaking his head in disapproval "seriously what exactly do you think they are talking about," I asked we all looked towards the two women again.
         This time Julieta's aunt was sliding Julieta a photo or a piece of paper of some sort. "Joey," Ryan said a pang of guilt washed over me, I felt bad knowing she couldn't be with her brother. I knew she blamed me for it and I can't blame her, I just hope she can forgive me for it. Julieta flipped the photo over, her aunt then said something to her, Julieta wipes a tear away then responded. She then slid whatever it was back to her aunt then stood up, they said something to each other. Then Julieta walked out the room and towards us "let's go," she said.
         We followed Julieta out of the Prison and towards the SUVs where she then lost it. We all watched as Julieta kicked someone's tail light out "wow," said Oscar. I quickly held Julieta against my body as she thrashed "she's such a bitch," Julieta yelled. "Felt that," said Paul as he took another hit then offered it to Julieta, she glared at him. "Fine don't take my offer," Paul said all offended then walked away "you ok," I whispered into Julieta's ear. "Will be," she answered I nodded my head accepting her answer then letting go. We all then loaded up and headed back to the plane to head home.

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