Chapter 8

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         I woke up with a jump to find myself in an unfamiliar room it was nice and all, but personally I didn't really like it. I got up looking around to see if I could tell where I was. But there was no windows. There are two doors in the room one I check to see a bathroom with another door inside it. I checked it out see a bunch of men's clothing inside it. I felt a bit sick when I saw some of my clothes and clothes my size in the closet as well. Talk about fucking scary and sick.
         I exited both rooms and went to the final door to find it locked I kicked it. "What happened," I asked myself as I sat down the edge of the bed trying to figure out what is going on. The memories immediately come rushing back at me like tidal wave causing my eyes to go wide. I rush to the door kicking and banging on it as I pulled at the locked handle "Hey!" I screamed. "I want out!" I shouted I kicks it one last time then groaned in frustration. The door began to unlock and two large men can win and grabbed me I struggled as another guy came in.
         "What the fuck is going on," I shouted unnoticed the third guy with scissored he went behind me and I felt him cut my hair. "Hey! That's my dam hair!" I shouted becoming pissed and scared all at the same time. The person behind me came back around with at least three inches of my fucking hair. Does anyone know how long it took me to grow this shit out?! The two men holding me roughly threw me down I got up quickly though trying to run for it. But the door was shut and locked and again before I even had a chance. I kicked the door again
         What is my obsession with kicking doors today? I hugged as I began to look around again I went into the bathroom seeing a small window above the toilet. I went to it and looked out to see I had to be at least three stories up. I am stupid and ballsy and all but I am not jumping form this damn height. I'd rather be branded.
         I sighed as I walked back into the bedroom I belly flopped into the bed as I huffed a millions thoughts ran threw my head. Like how Joey is probably worried sick, how the girls are probably a fucking mess as they cry, how the guys are probably pulling their hair out trying to find me, how much school I will be missing, how I am going to miss the boys stupid arguments, and many other things involving them. I was about to fall asleep again when I heard the door unlocking and sat up really fast.
         The door closed and I swear to fucking God all I saw was red. It was Ian. He was wearing a white shirt with blood on it and black pants. "I swear to god if that is my friends blood on you. I will happily rip your head off," I seethed he looked at me coldly "calm your tits," he said. This bastard! "It's not your friends blood. They will only suffer knowing I have you and they can't get you," he told me, he then walked into the bloody bathroom. Oh this bitch is going to regret this decision faster than one has before.
         I looked around and found an alarm clock, a lamp, and inside one of the drawers a Bible. This guy needed it more than me for sure. Ian came back out the bathroom dressed in black pants and a black dress shirt. He was finishing rolling one of the sleeves up his arm when I threw the alarm clock. It hit straight in the head. He looked up at me with a glare but I already threw the lamp at him. As he was busy dodging the lamp and seeing it shatter into a million pieces. I took the chance to jump on him and start waking him with the Bible.
         "Have some fucking Jesus," I said swinging my last blow he caught it though and threw me to the ground. He approached me with anger in his eyes a look I knew well form men. I got up running to the second lamp and throwing it at him, he dodged that one too. Fuck I am running out of things to throw at the prick. He grabbed my arm as I went for a pillow he roughly pinned me against the wall as I struggled. "You really are fucking stupid," he yelled in my face my defense mechanism set into place and I went cold. "Speak for yourself," I said then head butted him that hurt me so bad but he looked unfazed by it.
          "Your attempts are cute," he said as I thought about maybe jumping out the window wasn't the worst idea ever. He flung me back onto the as I sat up and watched him leave, I groaned/slashed yelled in anger. "Window it fucking is," I said then went to it. I unlocked the window and pulled the screen inside the bathroom with me. I was about to climb out when a throat cleared I looked back and saw an amused Paul. "You here to stop me," I asked "actually wanted to see if your hungry," he told me, this guy and food.
         "Right cause I am more worried about food than my life," I said sarcastically "great," he said he then pulled me along. We exited the room and Paul dragged me through the halls and two flights of stairs practically. We reached a kitchen and Paul forced me to sit on a stool beside him. A maid gave us two plates of sandwiches as I mouthed 'help me' she clearly didn't get the message. Because she said a your welcome and then left to do dishes.
         Paul dug in whole stared at the food I wasn't in the mood to eat nor did I feel comfortable eating here. I noticed as I got older that I didn't eat when I was sad, depressed, angry, or uncomfortable. Joey told me, I have been like that since I was little didn't surprise me honestly. Joey told me, I once passed out due to lack of nutrients after Dad's death. Anytime it came close to the day he died I never ate and just wanted nothing more than to join him.
         Paul nudged my arm I glared a him "eat," he told me, I ignored him and stared  at the food. The day of my dad's death was actually coming up soon it made me want to cry, but I wasn't going to. Not here. Paul finished eating and started playing on his phone. We have probably been sitting here for thirty minutes or more before he sighed. "Look Ian said to make sure you eat so eat," he said I looked and watched at maid threw some scraps into the trash. I got up grabbing the plate and throwing the food on it away and placing the plate in the sink.
         Paul sighed but got up and grabbed my wrist he put me back in to that room and locked the door. I went in to the bathroom to see they had put bars over the window while I was gone. I cursed as I locked the bathroom door in anger. The shards of class were gone new lamps were on the night stands and the alarm clock and Bible were back where they were supposed to be. I sighed realizing I wasn't getting out on my own.
         I went to the door and banged on it "hey can I have a blanket," I shouted a few minutes later the door opened. Paul handed me a blanket "thanks," I mutter he nods then closes the door and locks it. I wrap the blanket around me and head into the walk-in-closet I hid myself in a corner. My back pressed against the wall I leaned my head against the wall beside me. Images of my friends and Joey popped into my mind causing a single tear to slip down my cheek as I closed my eyes. I wanted to go home.

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