Chapter 3

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        I was in complete shock as I stood there he was Vincent Braxton from my childhood. Suddenly he was thrown off me as the others glared hardcore at Vincent, he regained his balance then glared at my friends. "Cent," I said still in disbelief "it's me Squishy," he said his eyes softening as he stared at me. I remember Vincent being a whole two years older than me. He was always very protective over me and we were always together until we got separated. After our Foster Mother got caught with drugs in her system.
        "Julieta," said Saber "I can't believe that's you," I said he smiled at me "it's me Squishy," he said. "Squishy," said Dylan as he was confused but tried to hold in a laugh at the same time. I quickly shoved past the guys and jumped into Vincent's arms "it's been so long," I said. He hugged me back tightly as I closed my eyes I remember this safe embrace. "Jul," I hear Lane say brining next back to this world Vincent places me down as he glared at them. "No one calls Julieta a nickname except me," Vincent said coldly I swatted the back of his head "be nice," I warned him.
        "These are my friends Vincent which means they get to call me any nickname," I told him "even Babe," Derek joked but it caused him to get multiple slaps to the back of the head. I rolled my eyes "Julieta, what is going on," Peyton asked me "well we un. We lived in a Foster home together when we were little," I told them. Vincent put his arm over my shoulders and I watched as Cyrus, Peyton, and Derek held themselves back from killing Vincent. "Julieta was my childhood crush. You could say we were Childhood Sweethearts," Vincent told them with a smirk on his face I slapped him on the chest.
        "Come on Williamina, we got class to go to," I told her, she nodded her head kissed Lane goodbye "see ya guys," I said as I shrugged Vincent's arm off my shoulders. They all hugged me tightly then we left heading for class. "Childhood Sweetheart huh," Williamina teased me "don't," I said laughing as she wiggles her eyebrows at me. We then just barely make it to class.

Lunch finally comes and I was sitting with everyone like usual "hey Squishy," I hear I look behind me to see Vincent. He had a smirk on his face "yes Cent," I asked raising an eyebrow at him curiously. "Why don't you come sit with me and my gang," Vincent offered me as he held his hand out to me "no thanks," I said shaking my head. "Why not," Vincent asked me as I kept a straight face "I realized that though I was happy to see you again. You were still a prick to me and my friends," I told him. He looked taken back but chuckled "come on Squishy," he said trying to be cute.
I shake my head 'no' with my eyes closed, I look up to him "sorry Vincent," I said "but maybe this will teach you not to be such an ass," Vincent looked pissed at me. "Come on Julieta," he said "you and your group either apologize and I will allow you to sit with us. Or you don't and forget about me," Vincent glared but knew I wasn't backing down he signaled his group over. "Julieta and her friends. We apologize deeply about how we acted towards you," Vincent apologized once all his people were over here. "Guys do we forgive them," I asked "depends," said Peyton "are they done fucking with us," Owen asked. "Of course only for Julieta's sake," Vincent told everyone "then we do," said Lane.
Vincent smirked then signaled with his fingers for all of them to sit at the table with us. Once everybody is seated we all sit there in an awkward silence no one really knowing what to say now. "So Stapler," said Owen I looked to him "will you help me with my school work after school," the others then said "ooo me too," or "don't forget me," I laughed "sure," I replied. Vincent looked confused at Owen then me "it's an inside joke between me and Owen," I explained "not that really," Zoey said. "Julieta hit Owen with a stapler when he tried to 'flirt' with her," Saber explained putting air quotes on 'flirt' Owen threw a fry at Saber that hit him.
We all laughed as Vincent glared at Owen "it's fine Vincent," I said he looked to me and nodded his head. We all then fell back into silence as Vincent stared at me, but soon we were all chatting Vincent never speaking though. He just stared at me from across the table and once in a while I noticed Derek, Cyrus, and Peyton glare at Vincent and he would glare back. I rolled my eyes at their behavior this is gonna be more work then I agreed to.

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