Chapter 5

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        Derek and Will dropped me off an hour ago and now I was sitting in my room doing homework. A knock sounded on my door and I looked to see Joey poking his head then opening the door all the way as he said a simple "hey," to me. "What's up," I asked as he sat down on my bed "so I was thinking of asking um Merida to move in. Her rent for her apartment is up in a few days and," I covered my brother's mouth shutting him up. "Yes she can move in idiot. But warn me when you two are about to do the deed so I can stay anywhere but here," I told him, he chuckled but nodded his head. "Go get some food," he told "and you tell your girl," I said getting up to go eat "yeah, yeah," he said as I messed his hair up.
I went into the kitchen grabbing a slice of pizza when I noticed the mail on the counter. But a certain pink envelope stood out to me it was already opened, but I still picked it up looking at it. I flipped it over to the front and read it but my blood ran cold when I saw who it was from. "Hey Jul, Merida said that," he stopped though as he saw my angry expression I felt his look go to my hand as I still stared at it.

Layla Jasper

"Julieta," Joey said I turned my hated look to him making him flinch slightly "what does this bitch want," I yelled at him. Joey sighed "I have been talking to mom since I was in college he admitted," I threw the envelope on the counter.
"You didn't think to mention this," I yelled "I knew you would react like this," Joey yelled right back at me. "Oh so you mean. Like my brother is fucking crazy because he is talking to the woman that killed our father," I shouted my anger only rising more and more I needed to get out of here. Joey rubber the temple of his forehead "do you even realize you are giving her what she wants! She wants the attention! She wants to play the mother fucking victim!" I yelled at my brother. "Julieta, she knows she isn't that victim she wants to make amends," Joey told me, I scoffed "she can shove that along with a knife into her own fucking gut," I said then stormed out.
To say I was pissed was an understatement I was livid! This bitch is talking to the one selfish bitch that ruined our family. She ruined everything. She ruined Dad. She ruined Joey. And she fucking ruined my entire life. All for her own selfish desires. Joey was much older than me but he didn't see it. He wasn't blamed for it. He got adopted by a good family after we got separated. He didn't live pretty much his entire life in the system like I did.
"Squishy," I hear the familiar nickname be called I turned around to glare at Vincent and his goons. They were hidden in an alleyway I had passed smoking whatever the hell that was. Some smelt like cigarettes and other smells I knew of but didn't want to name them all out. So here is the short part, drugs. That's all you need to know.
"What's wrong," Vincent asked as he flicked his cigarette away "oh piss off," I said and kept walking. I heard his foot steps behind me "you know your being followed right," Vincent asked me "yeah by you asshole," I cursed. "Not just me," he said I froze I used the window of nearby shop and saw a black car with tinted windows come to a halt. The lights were off which was why I didn't notice before.
Vincent came to my side and put his arm over my shoulders dragging me forward along with him. "My motorcycle is up ahead," he told me, I nodded my head I couldn't go home, so I decided I needed somewhere to stay. I pulled my phone out calling Cyrus, he picked up on the second ring. "We saw each other what an hour and half ago and already missing me," he asked with a cheerful attitude I smiled softly "can I stay at your place for a few days," I asked him. "What happened," he asked immediately becoming concerned "I will explain when I get there," I told him.
"And how do you plan on getting here," Cyrus asked me, I sighed "I ran into a um friend who is dropping me off," I said. Suddenly my phone was taken from my hands "I am dropping her off will be there in a few," Vincent said then hung up. He handed me back my phone "ass," I muttered making Vincent smirk "thank you Squishy," he said. "Vincent you do realize we are teenagers right. That nickname is kind of for kids," I told him "no it's not it's for you and alway will be," he told me as we came to his bike.
Vincent handed me a helmet and I put it on as he gets on his motorcycle. I got on right behind him and he drove off as I told him where to go. Once at Cyrus's house Vincent turned his motorcycle off, I got off handing him the helmet. "Do you know who's following you," Vincent asked me as the car pulled up on the other side of street a few feet down though. "No but I'll find out," I said "hey," Vincent said grabbing my wrist as I went to walks way "your different since we were little," he told me.
"Things happened," I told him "you'll tell me right," he asked I sighed, when we were younger we were so close. We had no secrets and told each other everything, and Vincent was always coming to my rescue just like tonight. "Soon," I said he nodded his head understanding that things have changed since we were younger and it just couldn't be the same. "Your name is never changing though," Vincent told me, I smiled lightly glad to know one thing from my past will stay the same. "Then nether will yours," I told him, he smiled a big grin at me then winked and left as Cyrus came out his house.
"What the hell is going on," a confused Cyrus asked "my brother has been secretly talking to my mom since college, I am being stalked again, and Vincent is finally realizing I am not the same," I said all in one breath. "Well that's... you need a beer," he said I nodded my head as I stepped into the house behind him. "So who is following," Cyrus asked me "I don't know. Everyone who I would think be following is behind bars," I stated "well that doesn't help," Cyrus said as he handed me a beer.
His mom and dad were out on a date night tonight so they wouldn't know if we had a drink or not. I sighed after talking a swig of the beer "why can't bad luck just fuck off," I asked then took another swig. "Because the hard times lead to a better times," Cyrus told me, I smiled softly as I stared at the bottle in my hands. "Does that mean Protocol JJJ is going to be in place again," I asked "most likely once the others find out," Cyrus told me. "Great," I muttered I quickly then finished the bottle off "let's go to bed," Cyrus suggested after I threw the bottle into the trash.
I nodded my head going upstairs with Cyrus to his room. Cyrus got some extra blankets and chose to sleep on his floor by the bed. I told him many times we could share the bed or I could take the floor. But he said it's rude to make guest sleep on floors, and the guys agreed to never share the same bed as me. For Lane it would look back if Williamina found out but with the others it was there way of setting boundaries. And those boundaries were only set so they didn't kill each other over me. Got it feels weird thinking that.
Cyrus went to sleep easily but I couldn't sleep no matter how much I tossed and turned. I got up being careful as I looked out the window to that care. It hasn't even moved. I glared at it, who in the hell could it be. I looked to Cyrus's sleeping form and smiled softly "sorry guys," I said. I grabbed my sneakers and quietly snuck out the room and the back door. I had promised everyone I would never stick myself out there in a dangerous situation unless it was a last case scenario.
I felt bad for breaking the promise but this was driving me nuts. Who in the hell was following me now?! Alec was the only crazy person left in my life that could follow me and hard. But I guess bad luck likes following me around like a love sick puppy dog.
I skillfully made it up behind the car the figure of the person to focused on the house they thought I was in. I pulled on the door handle for one of the back doors to find it unlocked. I slid in the man never noticing. I closed the door loudly causing him to jump and grab his gun as he turned around. I took in his features olive skin, Oblong shaped head, Greek nose, thin lips, black hair smoothed back, and hooded shaped eyes that are green.
He looked shocked to see me in his car a bit as he lowered the gun down. I kept a blanket face as I stared at him, I didn't know who he was. Maybe he was sent here by someone nether the less I pulled the pocket knife out my jacket. I placed the cool blade again his throat I had no intentions of hurting him, but I needed answers.
"You got ten seconds to tell me why your following me,"

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