Chapter 11

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I came up with a plan to escape. It's a great plan. I have discovered now that I am really good with plan making. So I have been going to the closet so many times. That they immediately know and go to check the closet for me well I have decided to hide behind the door. I am clutching a lamp to my chest just incase I need it to help me escape.
As I hear the door unlock I hold my breath, the door opens and Paul walks in with some other guy. "Remember stay here while I check on her," Paul said he headed into the bathroom I sneak up behind the guy and smash the lamp over his head. I go out the door and close it as Paul is running towards the door telling me to stop. I lock the door smirking then go running I knew they had phones which I should have grabbed one. But it's ok. I am going down the flight of stairs fast but I decided to jump over the railing to get myself moving faster.
I go back to running down the hall I turn the corner and slam right into someone, they held my arms to help me stay up. "Wow slow down there," said the voice I looked to see an older gentleman with his wife. I knew they were married by the wedding bands on their fingers. "Sorry sir," I said backing up slightly "I don't give a fuck find her!" I hear an angry Ian yell "are you ok dear," the woman asked me as I side walked to a nearby window. She had a worried expression on her face along with the husband as they watched me. "Yes ma'am," I lied "just getting some fresh air," I said opening the window.
"Julieta!" Ian yelled when he saw me "bye," I said to them then jumped out the damn window like a pro. I landed on my feet and took off running "fucking catch her!" Ian yelled to all the shock guards scattered about on his property. I took off running towards the driveway and somehow as men went to grab me or tackle me I avoided them. I felt like a fucking ballerina at this damn point. I was so damn close to the front gate I could smell freedom. When suddenly I got tackled from behind I struggled trying to get free as the person held me down.
I felt hot air being breathed on my ear as an angry voice said "stop struggling you are already in trouble," I froze. Trouble? What is Ian's definition of trouble? I struggled harder not wanting to find out what his definition was. "Give me the sedative," Ian ordered I freaked out and threw my elbow back I knocked the sedative onto the ground. It shattered on the concrete before my eyes and everyone else's. I quickly throw my elbow into Ian's face hearing him groan slightly I keep harming away until he moves back enough for me to slip away.
         I get up just as a car pulls into the driveway I knew that car, it was Joey. "Joey," I screamed and cried as I ran to the gate Joey got out his car shaking the gate. "Joey I'm scared," I admitted "it's going to be ok Julieta," Joey told me, he shook the gate again. I got grabbed by someone, I held onto the gate "Joey, I don't wanna die," I told him "your not gonna die," he told me then yelled at the person pulling on me to let go. "Joey, I'm so sorry," I said "for what I am the one who should apologize," he said grabbing my wrist and pulling to help me stay put a while longer. "It is my fault Dad got murdered by Mom cause of me," I told Joey "no it's not Julieta," he told me I nodded my head.
         I was pulled away from Joey and passed to Ian, he was glaring at Joey as I cried saying I wanted my brother. "Ian! Give her back!" Joey yelled as he shook the gate more Ian began to walk towards the house with me in his arms. "JOEY," I screamed "Hang On Jul," he yelled at me "I'm Gonna Get You Out," he told me. But I felt truly done. "Ian," said the woman as she saw me crying and saying "I want Joey," over and over again. "Son what have you done," the man said Ian ignored him and immediately started walking away. Ian walked down an unfamiliar hallway as I cried I wanted to go home. I loved home and I loved my brother.
I heard a door get open and cold air attack my skin I looked to see Ian flip on a switch. He then went down a very well lit staircase entering a hallway. But the place smelt of death suddenly fear went straight to me and I cried harder. "No please," I begged and struggled as Ian walked down the hall then threw me into a cell. "I'm sorry my Queen but I can't let you go," he said then closed the door the tears didn't stop. The cell was dark and colder than the actual hallway I felt every thing me me break. So I did the only thing that seemed reasonable when you break like this. I cried.
I cried till I had nothing left to cry about and once I settled I looked around to see old blood on the walls. "Why did this happen to me," I asked myself "what is so love able about me," I just sat there raking through my brain. I heard someone cough "are you ok," I found myself asking my voice sounding hoarse. "Not really kid. I'm dying slowly just like everyone in here," a male voice said then coughed again. Why did that remind me of something like I had heard that before? Then suddenly a memory came to me one that I had forgotten a long time ago.


I crept down the stairs as Mommy and Daddy argues again "I don't give a shit," Mommy yelled at the top of her lunges. "You has that little bitch with another woman," Mommy yelled "you are the one who left me remember for someone you claimed was better," Daddy yelled back. "Doesn't mean your go and get some other bitch pregnant," Mommy yelled louder "why is this bothering you now," Daddy asked slightly calmer now as he rubbed his face. "Maybe cause I just found out that bitch's whore of a mother was my half sister," Mommy yelled in anger "none of us knew that," Daddy argues back.
"Also she has a name her name was Juliet," Daddy argued "yes and you named that little bitch after her," Mommy argued then spit on my daddy's face. Daddy wipes it away "yes because her mother was a good woman and you didn't care when I named her that," Daddy pointed out Mommy looked angry but instead of saying anything she left. Daddy sighed as he went to the sink and washed his hands "Daddy," I said he turned around to look at me. "Hey my beautiful Julieta," Daddy said to me "are we going to go visit the nice lady today," I asked "sure are," he told me with a nod.
I smiled "good because you look sad," I said Daddy smiled sadly at me "why is it good,0 Daddy asked me. "Because whenever you come home from seeing nice lady. You smile big," I told him like all honest kids do "go put your shoes on," Daddy told me. I nodded my head and skipped up the stairs putting my shoes on then leaving with Daddy.
Today Daddy was introducing me to a nice lady that he said I will very much like. He said I knew her but didn't at the same time which confused me. "Come on," Daddy said as we came to the room we entered Daddy holding my hand as I felt shy. "Hi my beautiful Juliet," Daddy said the pale woman looked to us and smiled weakly. "Hi my Handsome Patrick," the lady said she then saw me and I saw tears in her eyes. "I haven't seen you since you were one," she said then coughed "Juliet," Daddy said with worry. He went to her quickly "I'm fine," she said looking at him.
         Daddy looked sad yet he smiled at her, she smiled back at him with the same sad look. They looked in love. "Daddy," I said nervously they looked to me "your name is Julieta right," the lady asked me. I nodded my head as I held Mr. Benny close to my chest "my name is Juliet. We have the same name," she told me. I smiled "is that why Daddy calls you my beautiful Juliet too," I asked she nodded her head. I went closer to the woman and talked with her about my brother and Mr. Benny. I also mentioned how Daddy looked happier when he came home from visiting her.
At some point I fell asleep but slightly woke up to her Daddy and the lady talking. "I am glad to see she still has the stuff Wolf we got her," the lady said then coughed "she is attached to that thing," Daddy said. "Patrick, I am so sorry. I had no idea who you were or who your wife was," the lady said "don't worry Juliet. I am just glad I have you in my life," Daddy said. The lady the coughed again "I wish we could have been together," Daddy suddenly admitted "I do too Patrick," the woman said the coughed again. "I should get Julieta home," Daddy told the lady "I love you Patrick and I love our daughter too," the woman said. "I love you Juliet," Daddy said and I opened my eyes in time to see them kiss. Then look content afterwards with each other.
The door is slammed open to reveal Mommy "how dare you," Mommy said with a lot of anger. She then saw me and yanked me up "don't hurt her," the lady said then coughed Mommy looked at her in disgust. "Look at you. You are dying slowly soon you will be nothing but a corpse," Mommy said then dragged me out the room as Daddy yelled at her to stop. But I looked back to the lady to see her coughing terribly and Daddy staying with a worried face as nurses hurried in,

End of Flashback

Tears escaped my eyes once again at the memory "how could I have not known," I said "how did I not realize it," I said. I wasn't Layla Nancy Jasper's daughter. I was Juliet Anna Steeler's daughter, I was Joey's sister but also his cousin. "The woman who I thought was my mother was my aunt," I said out loud "that sounds like some doctor Phil bullshit," said the male voice. I leaned back against the disgust wall behind me in shock "no wonder she hated me," I whispered. Who am I really?

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