Chapter 6

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"You got ten seconds to explain why your following me," I said my hand steady as I held the blade of my pocket knife against his throat. "My, my you are full of surprises aren't you," he said as he put the gun in his console I was confused why. He could kill me before I slit his throat with that gun. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and twisted it causing me to let go of the knife. It fell in between the seat and console making me curse hinder my breath as I tried to get the guy off my wrist.
He let go of me suddenly after carefully studying me, I rubbed my wrist slightly until I heard the doors locked. Oh no. Did I just walk into a trap? "Allow me to explain over a meal. I haven't eaten," he told me "how about I gut you alive instead," I said glaring at him, he chuckled. He started the car up "I won't hurt you. I am under strict orders not to hurt you," he told me so the prick is working for someone. "By whom," I asked fluttering my eyes use to work on my dad make him laugh when I was younger. The guy chuckled as he smirked "I'll tell you as long as you behave and play nice," he said.
The nerve! But I needed to know what was happening, so I muttered a simple fine making his smirk twitch slightly more up. I sit back as the sensory passed by. If he kills me, I got my phone to call for help I reminded myself the realized I left my phone with Cyrus. I mentally face palmed myself, I am a fucking genius. We arrive to dinner I was at earlier today with my friends.
The guy took his gun out stuffing it in the back of his pants before turning back to me "remember behave and all will be revealed," he told me. "You try and kill me, and I will reveal my foot up your ass," I said the guy chuckled but unlocked his car, he knew I wouldn't do anything. Not as long as he knew the answers I wanted. We both get out shutting the doors I follow the guy into the dinner. The man choose the seat farthest away from everyone in here.
The man sat on one side while I sat across from him, a waitress gave us our menus then took our drink orders. Man ordered a simple coffee while I just got water. "So first question he asks," he said after she walked "who the fuck are you," I asked I never raised or lowered my voice but you could here my anger. "Names Paul," he said "I have a sneaking suspicion you already know my name," I stated. "Julieta Jane Jasper. Goes by many different nicknames J, JJ, Triple J, Jul, JulJul, Squishy," he said, that is fucking scary.
"Who do you work for," I asked he smirked at me even more "a man that is a few years older than you. He has an interest I your friends Vincent, Peyton, Derek, Lane, Cyrus," he said with each name he said I clenched my fists tighter. "What does it have to do with me," I asked "well you see Jul. Can I call you Jul," he asked clearly knowing he was getting on my nerves. "Fucking answer the question," I whispered/yelled at him, he sighed "he knows how much they care about you," he said with a frown. "So fucking what," I said "he wants to hurt them," he stated ah now I see where this is going.
"Well tell that prick, he so much as touches me or my friends. I will shot him myself," I said the guy smirked just as the waitress came back. "What can I get you guys," she asked "I'm going to the bathroom," I grumbled and walked my way towards it. Once inside I splashed water on my face. Yep bad luck and me must have some sick and twisted relationship. I groaned as I looked into the mirror "just when you think like can me normal," I said with an annoyed tone.
I decided to actually use the bathroom and come up with some other questions I could fire at the guy. He knew all my nicknames including Triple J, which was the newest one too, Derek gave it to me. Said it made more since then J or JJ, honestly I agreed. I waved my hands then dried them, I went back out to see the place practically empty. In the booth was that Paul, guy, but he wasn't alone. A man in a black suit with a maroon button up shirt under it sat in my spot. I noticed five men in here all wearing black and four men outside wearing black.
"Ah here she is sir," said Paul as he noticed me walking towards them as I mentally prepared my escape route in my head. They both stood up the man in the suit looked around 26. He has dark brown hair that has a mid fade on the sides with his hair gelled back. His downturned piercing grey eyes seemed cold and business like. His head was oval shaped, his Greek nose and heart shaped lips made him quite nice to look at. But I was angry and being careful with these pricks.
        "Name is Ian," he said holding his hand out I gave him a you-are-fucking-dumb-if-you-think-I-am-shaking-your-hand look. Paul looked slightly nervous and about ready to shot himself when I gave Ian that look. "I thought you agreed to behave," Paul whispered to me "I only agreed to it with you," I stated making him nervously laugh as he looked to his boss. "You are a stupid girl," Ian said "and you seem like an arrogant ill-mannered inhuman ass," I shot back Paul looked ready to die. While Ian simply glared at me, I glared back I never back down from asses like him.
         "So what exactly do you want," I asked "I want you to stay away from your friends," Ian stayed. I laughed a dry unhumored laugh this prick gots balls if he thinks I'll listen to him. "You can drown me for an eternity but I will never do that," I stared "if you don't I will kidnap you and make them pay in ways that'll torture them without me ever touching them," he told me. "Your cute when you try to act all badass and stuff," I said "but I am afraid the only torture someone will go through is you," I said.
         "Now bye bye," I said I walked out of the dinner no one bee stopping me, I walked all the way to the nearest bus stop. I then took the bus to a place close to Cyrus's then walked all the way home. I did notice Paul was following me again like a fucking creep, but I wasn't afraid. I have lived my life long enough in fear I didn't need to anymore. I had my friends but boy are they gonna pissed at me when they find out.
         I snuck back into Cyrus's house and into his room but just as I shit the door to his room. The light switches on and I freeze. Looks like I am already fucked.

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