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"Well, rise and shine princess. It was about time you woke up" Bakugo snarled, rolling his eyes as Y/n lifted her head and blinked a few times, the artificial lighting bothering her. She tried moving her hand to rub her eye, but felt tight chains tug down as she did.
Y/n looked down to see her hands encased in two metal boxes and chained to the chair she was sitting in.
She turned her head towards Bakugo and saw him also chained up, the group of villains who had taken them, sitting or standing in front of them.

"Are you really being a bitch with me right now Katsuki? I'm literally the only one here who's on your side" Y/n remarked, lifting an eyebrow at the blonde.


Bakugo nodded towards the tv, where Y/n recognized Nezu, Aizawa and Vlad King giving a speech. Shigaraki watched intensely as he scratched his neck. The teachers were making a public apology and talking about their two kidnapped students.
Eventually Shigaraki turned the channel off and turned towards the two kids.

"Dabi, take Bakugo's restraints off" Shigaraki said, pointing at the ash blonde.

"Hey! What about me?" Y/n asked, her face turning in to a pout. Dabi moved over to the girl and knelt down, grabbing her at the top of the neck, just under her jaw with his hand.

"Were we talking about you?" he asked, his voice quiet as he looked in to her eyes, his lips pulling in to a smirk. Y/n rolled her eyes and gave him a smirk back.

"Oh yes papi, choke me" she mocked, letting out a fake laugh.

"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY MAKING SEX JOKES NOW DUMBASS" Bakugo shouted as he watched the girl from the corner of his eye.

I wouldn't mind you saying that to me in any other occasion though

Bakugo looked away as a very light blush appeared on his cheeks at the thought, his mind going to a very dark place. Dabi on the other hand smirked and backed off, going to his spot leaning on the wall once again.

"Twice, unchain Bakugo" Dabi commanded to the other villain who had a black head to toe suit.
Twice catiously approached Bakugo and unchained him, letting him stand up.

"We want you Bakugo, you should join us, we have righteous plans you know" Shigaraki said, putting his arms out to the side as he did.
Bakugo gave him a smirk as he narrowed his eyes, his hands firing up.

"That's a hard pass from me" he said, before attacking.


Izuku, Shoto, Tenya, Kirishima and Momo walked around the busy streets of Yokohama city, following the tracker's light on the phone Momo had created. Tenya had followed them to see if they would keep their promise of not fighting in any way, while Momo was sort of forced in to it as she was the one that created both the tracker and the device to follow it.
Shoto looked around nervously, the timiest hope that he would just find Y/n walking around like nothing was wrong haunting him.
As Kirishima and Izuku talked, Shoto zoned out, catching a glimpse of a couple, hand in hand as they window shopped. The boy turned around and kissed the other on the tip of the nose, his hand caressing his partner's face lovingly.
Shoto smiled at the sight.

I want to do that with Y/n. I want to do all of it with her...

His gaze met the floor once again as he thought about what she could be going through.
Momo eyed the boy every now and then, not understanding all this emotion seeping from the usually stoic boy.

"Did they say why they went after Y/n?" Tenya asked Izuku and the green haired boy quickly glanced over at Shoto, his gaze followed by their class rep's. They both noticed the boy jump a little on the spot at the mention of her name and turned towards them, before recomposing himself and shaking his head 'no'.

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