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"Is this your idea of a surprise attack?" Stain asked, a wide smirk appearing on his face.
He threw one of his short knives towards her, making Y/n duck, just barely missing it.

"No but this is" she smirked. Izuku ran into Stain, using One for All Full Cowling, sending him to the ground. Y/n ran over to her friends, looking over at Iida.

"Are you ok class rep?" she asked, her back towards him, keeping an eye on the man who was getting back up from the floor.

"Stop trying to save me..." he pleaded, his body still immobilized on the ground "this is my fight".

"Well it isn't going very well if you're down there rather than here with us, is it?" she asked. Izuku glanced at his friend, sweatdropping at her bluntness.

Nicely done Y/n, thoughtful as always

"It's his quirk. Be careful Y/n if he ingests your blood you'll end up like Tenya" Izuku explained. Y/n nodded and stood between Shoto and Izuku.

"Go on girl, run along, don't you want to go look for a pro hero to deal with me?" Stain taunted, his back curved forward as he glared at the three standing.
Y/n crossed her arms across her chest and pouted.

"Now that's just sexist" she whined "And I'm here for them, they looked like they could need the help" she shrugged.

"This is not the place to do or say anything that jumps in to your head Y/n" Shoto mumbled, not letting his gaze stray from the man in front of them.
Stain used this moment of conversation between them to throw another of his daggers. It grazed Shoto in the cheek as all three moved out of the way.
The Hero Killer swiftly moved his way, his long tongue slithering around as he tried to lick the blood away from his cheek.
Y/n activated her quirk, grabbing on to Stain's ankles and pulling him back from behind him, just before he reached Shoto.

"Don't go near him" she hissed, tugging him by his legs aggressively. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him try to pull forward. Shoto and Izuku stepped back towards Iida.

"I'm so sorry" the boy on the ground mumbled, getting their attention.

"I'm sorry for letting my anger get to me, for making bad decisions. I let the anger I felt towards my brother and him take over me" he choked out, his eyes welling up with tears.

Y/n's gaze softened as she looked over at the raven haired boy, his words getting to her.
She wasn't one that couldn't hold back if she was angry, but she was always there to rush in to anything without thinking things through.

It must be horrible feeling responsible for other people getting hurt

Y/n came back to reality all of a sudden, a piercing scream coming out of her mouth as she backed away, a dagger stuck in her hand. Her quirk deactivated in that moment as she stepped back, her legs wobbling under her. She looked at her hand, the knife still there, blood gushing out of the wound.
Shoto and Izuku whipped around, their eyes filling with horror as they watched the girl back away from the hero killer.

"Y/n" Shoto breathed.
He watched her stare at her hand, unable to say anything as she shakily kept herself up.
He watched the blood come out of her hand and pour down her arm, dripping on the ground from her elbow. Splotches of red formed on the asphalt beneath her as Stain stood up, his legs now free. He sped forwards, but was blocked by Shoto making a wall of flames between the two of them, protecting the girl on the other side.
Stain went back to directing his attacks towards Shoto and Izuku, unable to reach her.

Y/n fell backwards, ending up sitting on the floor, her back to the wall.

"Fuck, this is going to hurt" she breathed out, grabbing ahold of the handle of the small dagger. She breathed in and out a few times.

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