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"Is that who I think it is?" Y/n whispered towards Izuku, pointing at the small astronaut suit walking towards them.

"If you mean the pro hero Thirteen, then yes, it is" he whispered back. His eyes shone bright in admiration.

"Hello students of UA" Thirteen greeted. They turned to point towards the huge centre behind them. Everyone's eyes followed their indication and looked around.

"This standing behind me is the facility Unforeseen Simulation Joint, also known as USJ. This is where your Basic Hero Training will take place today. As your teacher has probably already told you, you will be participating in a rescue exercise" they explained, slowly making their way towards the main entrance of the dome. Y/n had a small skip in her step.

This is going to be great, rescue is like the most important part of being a hero

They made their way through the door and stopped at the top of the steps that brought down to the main part of the arena. Thirteen turned towards the students and Aizawa.

"You should use your quirks to save people, not to engage in to combat. It's important that you find original and useful ways to use your abilities in every kind of situation" they continued.

Y/n nodded, fascinated by the speech the pro hero was giving. The memories of the videos watched with Izuku and her mother started to come back. Videos of pro heroes risking their life for others, of protecting the cities at their own cost.

I want to be able to do that, prove that I can do more good than harm

Y/n was dragged out of her own thoughts at the appearance of a warp gate in the centre of the dome. She lifted her finger, making Kirishima and Izuku look in the direction she was pointing at. Her face went pale as people, or rather creatures, started piling out of the big purple hole in the air.

"What's going on?" Kirishima asked, getting everyone's attention. Thirteen and Aizawa looked behind them, then at each other. It was pretty obvious at this point that this wasn't part of today's training.

"Are those villains?" Y/n asked. Her answer was met by silence. She shuddered. This was not what she, let alone everyone else, expected.

"Thirteen, take the students back" Aizawa said, standing protectively in front of his students. Y/n stood still as she watched Aizawa, unsure as to what he was going to do against a group of villains this big.

"COME ON Y/N" Kirishima shouted. As he did, one of the villains at the centre of the arena turned his head towards them. The hand spread on his face covered pretty much everything apart from his eyes. He locked his gaze on Y/n and grunted lightly. There was something unsettling about her.

The firing squad pointed at Aizawa and started shooting, distracting him completely from the kids. He activated his quirk, his hair flying violently around him. Thirteen kept trying to get the students closer to the exit. However, the warp gate who had first appeared in the arena, was now standing in front of them, making the escape impossible.

"We are the League of Villians, our objective is killing All Might. He was supposed to be here today, but hopefully killing off his students will be enough to convince him to show himself" The warp gate explained. Bakugo growled, his hands making small explosions in the tip of his fingers. Both him and Kirishima jumped forward.


Y/n looked at the two boys move forward from both her sides.

They're villains, we are not ready for this

She internally screamed at herself to do something. Somehow, her arms moved quicker than her thought process and pointed forward, one hand pointing at Bakugo and one at Kirishima. Her strings wrapped around their arms and legs. She immediately pulled, her eyes narrowing at the concentration it took to move two people in two different ways.

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