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"Come on Y/n! Or we're going to be late!" Mina exclaimed, running past her friend's dorm room, making her way to the common rooms down below.
Y/n sighed, placing the framed photo she'd been looking at for the past few minutes back on her desk.
It was the photo her and her mother had taken her first day at UA. Y/n remembered the emotions she felt that morning as if it were yesterday, the rush, the anxiousness, the feeling of uneasiness inside her having to go and be in a real class, with real classmates after being homeschooled for most of her life.

"Look at me now mum" she whispered to the photo.
She hadn't been to see her mother in a while, even though she had forgiven her after what had happened in her first year.
Now, the original class 1-A was currently class 3-A, and today, was the last day they'd all be partecipating in something as a class. After all, it was their graduation party.

Y/n made sure to grab her make up bag as she also made her way downstairs, making sure to lock up behind her before speeding down the stairs. She reached the common room,
where the bustling of the girls made her subconsciously even more excited. She watched them run around with curlers in their hands and flailing dresses around, making sure they had the perfect outfit for the evening.

"Wow" Mina breathed as she caught Y/n walking down the last steps, her eyes trailing over the girl's body carefully.

"DAMN GIRL" she said, checking her out completely. The rest of the girls turned around as they all beamed a smile at her.
Y/n blushed under the careful eyes of her girl friends before making her way to a chair next to Ochaco, grabbing one of the mirrors and starting to do her make up.

"You two look really nice" Y/n smiled at her and Tsuyu, who was working on Ochaco's hair.

It took Y/n the while time they were getting ready to finally realise that the boys weren't there.

"Hey, where is everyone else?" she asked out loud to no one in particular, as all of them packed up the stuff they had used to get ready.
Momo smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"They went to help the teachers with decorating the room, hopefully they'll do a good job" she sighed. All of the girls knew that beauty, elegance and delicacy weren't exactly the boys' strong suits.

"Are we ready?" Mina grinned, fist-pumping the air as she approvingly looked around at the girls' outfits. They all eagerly nodded, making their way to the school, where everyone else was. Y/n recognised a few other students arriving from their own dorms as they did, Shinso being one of them.

"Hey! Shinso!" Y/n waved, walking up to the boy with the purple hair. She admired his neat black shirt and purple tie, perfectly matching his hair.

"Wow, you look really good" she smiled. The boy looked her up and down before smirking.

"You clean up nicely Y/n" he said, grabbing her hand and gently lifting it to his lips, kissing the back of it softly. Shinso had never ended up confessing his feelings to her, but once voice spread that she and Endeavour's kid were a thing, he decided the best thing was to just try and move on and forget all about it. And by now, he had established that he had chosen well, considering that the two were still a couple.

"Hey, I have to go make sure our boys did what they had to do, but I'll come find you later, ok?" she said, turning and sending the boy a wink.

"You owe me a dance Spidey" he called behind her. She laughed and nodded her head, joining the girls once again before going in to the huge room UA was using to hold the graduation party in.

"THERE THEY ARE" Kirishima smirked, seeing the girls walk in to the big room all together.
Y/n was surprised at the purple and red lights that danced around the room, giving the room a warmer and fancier vibe. There were long, colourful decorations across most of the walls, confetti already on the floor and lines of tables filled with drinks and food.

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