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"Easy Villains give me one point, Mediums give me two, Hards give me three and the big ass messy ones give me none" y/n repeated to herself, waiting patiently at the front of the sea of teenagers. The enormous doors in front of them were the only thing separating the anxious students from their exam.
Y/n slowly started counting on her fingers, estimating the amount of points she needed to pass and the easiest way to get there. She scratched the back of her head nervously as she looked behind her. She could hear the commotion behind her and sighed, knowing that if she didn't move fast she would probably get trampled on.
Her fingertips tingled lightly as she wiggled them.

It's been a while since I had an excuse to use my quirk was all that went through y/n's head at that moment. Not being allowed to use her quirk never let her explore her true potential even though her mother was very aware of the power that the shorter girl had in just the tips of her fingers.

"Y/n! Hey, y/n!" a voice cried out from a few rows behind.
Y/n laughed a little at the red haired boy jumping around. He had come looking for her every time they had gotten separated that day. Which was quite a lot of times.
It made her happy.
Y/n lifted her arm up in the air and started furiously waving it around.

"Over here!" and within a few seconds she was side by side with her exam buddy. That's what she was calling him anyway.

"Can't wait for these doors to open" Kirishima commented, putting a hand on his shoulder and turning his arm in a circular motion as if he were warming up.

Y/n simply nodded but Kirishima didn't mind her silence and the fact that he had the freedom to speak for both him and her. They weren't the only ones anxious and they knew as they could hear quite the commotion behind them. Y/n smiled at herself, forgetting for a moment about her having to use her quirk and having to figure out how to use it without hurting anyone in the process. The only thing separating her from her future were these enormous doors.

Wait she thought to herself, suddenly coming to a realization what if I- but before she could finish that thought, the ground beneath the excited students started to rumble, signalling the opening of the gates. Y/n knew better than to be trampled on so she sprinted forward, closely followed by Kirishima, who sent her a quick smirk before running off in his own direction.

This is it she told herself, curling her fingers towards her palm so she could crack the joints between them. Soon a blonde boy zoomed past her, a ray of bright light coming out of his belly button, causing an explosion behind him, making y/n laugh at the proud face he made. She noticed in a distance a boy jumping from robot to robot, massing up points easily. Suddenly she heard the roll of metal hitting concrete and turned to her left, just in time to see one of the robots halt right in front of her. She quickly spun in a circle but noticed that there was no one around, making it impossible to use her quirk.

Unless she resumed her thought from before I'm able to control something as big as that. That was her plan, gain control on this giant thing and use it to her advantage. She recognized the robot to be a 2 pointer thanks to its scorpion like shape.

"Alright it's just you and me" she told the robot as if it could understand her.


"What the hell is she doing?" Aizawa asked as he looked over the practical exam, noticing a girl riding on one of the robots' heads, a big smirk plastered on her face. Present Mic looked over, letting of a loud laugh.

"Y/n L/n, home-schooled by her mother. They call her quirk 'Spider', she can control physical bodies to her will thanks to the strings she produces from her body, although her file only spoke about people and small objects. She probably had no idea she could take control over something so big." he explained to his fellow colleague, noticing the small spark of interest that had appeared in his eye as he watched the girl run along.

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