Motel California

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With my bag in hand, I hopped off the bus with Jocelyn right behind me. We stopped at a motel for the night because the meet has been moved to tomorrow.

"I've seen worse." Scott commented as we looked at the Glenn Capri, the motel we're staying at.

"Where have you seen worse?" I asked him curiously, but he didn't get the chance to answer because Coach blew his whistle to get everyone's attention.

"Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." Coach held up the room keys, and Jocelyn and I glanced at each other before going up and grabbing ours.

"And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Jocelyn and I looked at each other before letting out a laugh, shaking our heads in amusement.

"Lydia?" I heard my sister say, and I turned to see her acting a bit off.

"I don't like this place." She stated.

My sister looked at the motel and said, "I don't think the people who own this place like this place. It's just for a night."

"A lot can happen in one night."


"Well, looks like this shirt is ruined." I said, shutting the curtains and taking off my jacket before taking off my bloody shirt.

"Too bad. It was a good shirt. I kinda wanted to borrow it." She said, and I chuckled as I grabbed a clean dark blue t-shirt from my bag.

"Do you get a weird vibe from this place too? It's giving me the creeps." She shivered for

"I don't know. But Lydia definitely seemed out of it." I said, wrapping my shirt in my jacket before stuffing it into my bag.

"True. You know, doesn't she usually get that-"

"Right before someone dies? Yes." I confirmed. "We have to be careful tonight. Because if she's getting that feeling, I mean we still don't know what she is, but it's nothing to take lightly I assume."

"On another topic, do you really think you know the alpha pack?" She asked, completely changing the subject.

I shrug, taking a seat on the bed. "I have no idea. I was only four, so I was pretty young, I don't remember much. But, I remember running through the preserve and I got lost. My dad said I blocked a lot of it out after what happened."

"Well what happened?" She asked me.

"I wish I knew."


"Do you want me to come pick you girls up? I don't mind a late night drive." Dad said over the phone.

"No, no. It's okay. We're at a motel." Allison told him.

"Yeah, we'll be gone by tomorrow morning. Plus, I can't leave since I'm supposed to be in the meet." I point out.

"That's true. The school paid for the motel?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not great, but it's just for a night." She said.

"What's it called?"

"The Glen Capri." I answered. "Why, do you know it?"

"Yeah, it... sounds familiar."

What the hell is he not telling us? He so knows something.

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