Wake Up

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The school bell rung and Stiles and I quickly made our way into class. He frowned when he saw a girl in his seat and there was a random guy in mine next to Firass, so I sat behind the only other empty one until Stiles sat in front of me.

"Casey?" I look up at Stiles. "You seeing this too?" I look around the room and see everyone just staring up ahead at the class emotionless. They looked like robots.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, looking up at the front of the room to see Coach just standing there like a zombie.

"Hey, Coach. Thought we were in the wrong class for a second." Stiles to him, glancing around again and that's when he brought his hands up, doing these weird gestures.

"Um... Okay. I don't actually know sign language. Casey?" Stiles looked at me.

"Um, a little. But I didn't even know that Coach knew sign language. And I'm pretty sure that it's not even an elective here." I said to him, and he looked back at him.

"Well this has been good, I'm probably gonna, uh, head out. You coming, Case?" Stikes asked me, grabbing his things.

"Yeah, count me in." I said, grabbing my stuff as well, and I got up, following him towards the door, looking back at the class to see them all doing the same hand motions as Coach.

What the hell is going on?

Their movements started to get faster and Stiles and I backed up into the bookcase, feeling overwhelmed as they just stared at us. The two of us suddenly heard this loud ringing sound, feeling dizzy.

I gasped for air, looking up and seeing Coach blow his whistle at the two of us, and we glance at each other in confusion when we noticed how everyone was staring at us, and we were sitting in our seats.

"Stilinski! Argent!" He shouted at us to get our attention.

"I asked you two a question." He said.

"Uh, sorry, Coach. What was it?" I asked him, and Stiles nodded in agreement.

"It was "Stilinski, Argent, are you two paying attention back there?" He said, and I was silent.

"Oh. Well, we are now." Stiles said awkwardly, and he glared at us.

"Stilinski, Argent, stop reminding me why I drink... Every night. Does anybody else want to try the question on the board?" Coach asked as he walked away from us.

We looked over and saw Scott and Firass staring at us.

"I'm okay. I just fell asleep for a second." Stiles muttered to him.

"Yeah, I think I did too." I said in confusion.

"Dude, you weren't asleep." Scott told him.

"Neither were you." Firass said, and he motioned to my notebook. I look at it to see the words wake up being repeated over and over in my notebook, spelling out the words too.

"S-Stiles," I stammer, and I show him my notebook. We compare ours, and they're exactly the same.


"Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?" Scott asked. All of us were sitting outside at one of the benches on school grounds, trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with us.

"And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles brought up.

"And for someone who has never had a near-death experience yet Stiles and I are having the exact same thing happen to us." I said, motioning between the two of us.

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