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"Daddy, how come we'we out in the woods? Why awe we chasing people?" I ask him innocently, and my grandpa picks me up.

"Well, my little huntress, this is what we do. We're hunters. We hunt those who hunt us. We hunt werewolves." Grandpa tells me.

"Well what did they do, Gwandpa?"

"They sent one of our friends to heaven." He said.

"Why?" I ask again.

"It's part of their nature. Now, you are too young to know everything. But I bet you'll be an amazing hunter when you're older." He tickles me and I giggled. He put me down, and I went to my daddy, hugging his leg.

"Hey, squirt." He smiled at me and I smile back at him widely. "What's up?"

"Do we have to huwt them? It's not vewy nice." I said and he looked at me.

"No, it's not. But we're doing this to protect you and other people from them. We're just doing our job, what's right." He told me when I felt something. I turn around, looking through the bushes before running off.

"Casey? Casey! Casey!" I heard my daddy and grandpa yell, but I didn't listen. I kept on running, trying to find what I felt until I bumped into something.

"Owie!" I said, falling on my butt and scraping my elbow. I look up and see a man in front of me.

"I sowwy. W-Who awe you?" I sniffled, wiping my tears away and the man picks me up.

"My name is Ennis. What's yours?" He asked me.


"What are you doing out here, Casey? It's dangerous for someone your age to be out here."

"My daddy and my gwandpa awe out hunting wewewolves because they sent theiw fwiend to heaven. Daddy bwought me to leawn how to hunt." I tell him and he looked mad after that. "Did I say something wong?"

"No," he shook his head. "What's your last name?"

"Awgent. My last name is Awgent." I tell him.


"Did you bring him?" My grandfather asked Allison when we walked in with Scott. I then took notice of all the used tissues on the ground that were covered in black blood.

"Oh. Oh, come on in, Scott. And come give an old man a little something for his pain." He turned around in his wheelchair, pulling up his sleeve and stopped when he saw me, smiling. "There's my little huntress." Scott and Allison stood in front of me. I kind of told them what Deucalion and Kali told me, and now they're really protective.

"You don't have to do this." Allison said to Scott, but I knew he would if we wanted answers.

"If you want me to talk, this is how it's going to happen." Grandpa said, sticking out his arm and Scott went over to him.

"If I do this, you have to tell us everything you know. Everything." Scott said, but I knew that he would twist the truth somehow.

Grandpa stuck his hand out again, pushing it towards him and Scott took it slowly. I watched as black veins began to appear on his skin as he took some of my grandfathers pain from him.


"They found a third body?" Grandpa asked us.

"Another doctor, right after Scott found Deaton." Allison answered.

"Right after?" He questioned. "Almost like it was expected he'd survive."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Scott asked him.

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