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"You're kidding." Jocelyn said to me as I paced up and down in her room.

"I wish I was! Why do you think I had your brother come get me in the middle of the night? I feel safer in a house full of elementals, thank you very much." I said to her, and I felt bad for snapping. "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"It's okay, Casey. If I had a one thousand-year-old evil spirit sneaking into my bedroom in the middle of the night then I would be freaking too. Does your dad know?" She asked, and I sit down on her bed.

"He knows that he's taken an interest in me, but that's about it." I shook my head. "I don't get it. Why me? Why pick me? Why not Lydia or the Sheriff?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, Casey." She got up from her bay window and sat down next to me, pulling me in for a hug and I gladly let her. "I'm sorry an evil spirit's stalking you."

I chuckled at the way she put it. "Thanks, Joce. But you should've seen the way he looked at me. It scared me." I pull back to look at her. "And if he can make his eyes glow, who's to say he can't access Stiles's power?"

"We don't. That's a question that's going to remain unanswered until we see for ourselves." She said, sounding so wise. Suddenly my phone went off and I see a text from Scott.

"They found him. They found Stiles."


"Are you mad or just stupid?" Jocelyn asked them when we walked in to see Void with tape over his mouth but the rest of his body was free.

"Don't worry, Deaton spiked him with kanima venom." Scott said, and we glanced at each other.

"Yeah, that does not make me feel better." I said to Scott, following them into the kitchen.

"How much longer do you think we have?" Scott asked Deaton, pointing to the paralyzed maniac in his living room.

"Yes, how much longer until that venom eventually wears off and the evil fox spirit gets to roam free?" Jocelyn asked him curiously.

"I wish I knew. But if we don't figure out something soon, we're gonna need to find a better place to keep him." He said.

"Or I could just shock him until he loses consciousness." I suggested, and while Jocelyn was all for it, the others weren't.

"I think we're grossly underestimating the danger here." Deaton finished.

"You think?" Jocelyn asked him sarcastically, and he brushed her off.

"He might be paralyzed, but it still feels like he's got us right in the palm of his hand." He said, and we all looked over at Void who was looking at us as well while Ms. McCall tended to his wound.


"Shut the hell up, you demon from hell." I glared at him, and he chuckled, looking over at me.

"Oh, Casey, Casey, Casey. Of course you're here, little flower." Void said to me. "I mean, you were pretty shaken up after our little talk last night."

"Just shut up." I said in response.

"You're going to break. I'm going to break you and shatter your spirit. Once I'm done with the two of you, you won't even be able to recognize yourselves." He said to me, and I finally lost my self-control because I slapped the asshole hard across the face, suddenly not even caring about Stiles.

A red mark began to appear on his face and Ms. McCall put the duct tape back on his mouth.

"Wow. Casey, are you okay?" I turn around to see Jocelyn and the others staring at me in shock, obviously hearing the loud slap he just received.

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