Part 20

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Barry woke up and saw Kara besides her sleeping like an angel, Barry kissed her head, and Kara woke up and smiled

"Morning beautiful" Barry said

"Morning handsome" Kara said, "So what are we doing today"

"To be honest Devoe is too smart for even us to comprehend" Barry said, Kara grabbed his cheeks and comfort him.
"We can beat him together" Kara said, Barry smiled
"I know Kara, I know" Barry said rubbing Kara's hair
They just finished breakfast and they got to Star Labs they saw Cisco and Caitlin typing
"What are you guys doing" Kara said, Cisco looked
"We are trying to track this Devoe guy, also trying to figure out how he mixed the Hollow blood and a Meta genes"
"So far we got nothing on that" Caitlin said
"Don't worry guys we will get him soon just like always" Barry said, they all nodded
Kara's phone rang
"Hello Alex?"
'Kara we have those Mellow things in National get here now'
"Ok I'll be there" Kara said, Barry looked worried
"What's that all about?" Barry asked
"Mellow attacking National" Kara said. "I have to go and fast". Barry nodded
-National City-
Kara landed at the bank and saw the Mellow she tried to attack the Mellow but it did nothing she tried to punch him again but nothing, she then asked "what is this"
"I don't know maybe invulnerability or shock absorption" Alex said
"That's it Kara punch him as hard as you can as fast as you can, every ability has their own limits"
Kara understood and punch the Mellow rapidly and the Mellow can't absorb all that punches and got brought down to his knees, but the Mellow immediately recovered and punched Kara sending her miles away, Kara then punched him again but much harder, much faster as the Mellow was finally knocked out, the DEO agents celebrate and Alex J'onn and Winn all sigh in relief.
Kara brought the Mellow back to the DEO and locked him up. Kara walked close to Winn and Alex
"You did awesome Kara" Winn said
"Yeah way to go sis" Alex said
J'onn then walked toward Kara and the other
"Where did this Mellow came from" he asked
"They are from the guy named Devoe, team flash is starting to track him"
"DEO will search for this guy too, but what is his full name" J'onn asked
"Clifford...Clifford Devoe" Kara said "Barry and I confronted him but we got nothing of any sorts, and don't try to capture him he always have a Mellow bodyguard" She said
"So what are we going to do about this" Alex said
"If he starts a war we will need to fire back full force, with the Justice League" Kara said. They all nodded

~Central City~

Barry is currently in the midst of battle; Barry is fighting a Mellow with superspeed, "And I thought I am the only speedster" Barry said

"Dude if this Devoe doesn't stop the Central City will be a battleground againt us and Devoe"

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