Part 17

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It's been a week, Kara is still in the state of comma, Barry finally visited her and he grabbed her hand.

"I wish you are here right beside me, I miss you Kara always, I missed my wife, I miss my love, I wish you would wake up" he said.

Alex came in and said," She will be alright", she rubbing the back of Barry, he smiled and Kara opened her eyes slowly, Barry stood up, Alex rushed out to get the doctor.

"What happened to me?" she said.

"You were knocked down by Reign, you were in comma for a week" he said

"For a week?" she asked, Barry nodded, Alex came in with the doctor

"How are you feeling sis" Alex said, she hugged Kara.

"I'm actually feeling better, can we go home now?" she asked to Barry, Barry nodded

~The Loft~

"Wow you did nice to the loft" she smiled at him.

"Of course I would take care of this loft for the both of us, it's actually pretty lonely without the bright smile of my lovely wife" he said, she smiled at him.

"Like this" she smiled, Barry laugh, Kara changed the subject, "Did you find Reign", Barry shook his head.

"No recently there have been no sign of Reign" he said.

"Since when did you last saw Reign" she asked

"Since you two fought, after that she, she vanished" he said

"What do you mean vanished" she asked trying to find Reign.

"Like what I said, there has been no sign of her, no problem, no disaster, no anything" he said, Kara was shocked.

"Well that's new, she's like just waiting for me" Kara said

"Maybe but you are not coming alone this time" Barry said, Kara was about to say anything but he cut her off "Kara no buts, I am coming, but only as a back up since this is your fight" Kara nodded, she was happy that even she got hurt Barry will take the side lines for her.

Barry's phone rang he answered "Hello Cisco, what's up".

'There's a samurai in town, Wally and Uryu are trying to take down the samurai, but Wally got knocked we need you now Barry hurry' Barry looked at Kara, she nodded

"Go Barry, they need you" she said, Barry nodded and ran to Central City

~Central City~

"Hello samurai man" Flash said, he looked at Uryu, "You okay Quinz" Uryu nodded.

"Ahhh, flash you arrived, hello" the samurai said, Barry stared at him looking for weak spots.

"What do you want" Flash said

"To fight" the samurai said.

Samurai rushed Barry, Barry dodged him, he's now on the case, and Barry cloned himself, one chasing him, one who's going to cut him off, Barry and clone 1 ran and jumped to cut the samurai in half, clone 1 combined with Barry again and as soon as he opened the mask he saw nothing but wires.

~S.T.A.R Labs~

"No man, just wires" he said to Cisco

"So what you're saying to me, this samurai man is being remotely controlled" Cisco asked

"Yes, it's an android more like-" Barry was cut off

"SAMUROID" Cisco shouted.

"So we need to find the man behind this samuroid" Harry said

"One question how" Caitlin asked

"Maybe we can use the samuroid's head to track where the signals coming from" Barry said, Cisco ran to his computer and started typing.

"That's brilliant Barry, we will let you know when we have his location" Cisco said, Barry nodded and sped out of S.T.A.R Labs

~National City (After Barry left) ~

Kara was thinking of what she wanna do, but her phone rang

"Hello" Kara said

'Kara its Reign she's back'

Kara rushed off the loft and headed to the center of National City

"You back for more, Supergirl" Reign said

"No Reign, this time you are going to be beaten" Kara said

"Ha, don't make me laugh if you can't beat me the last time, what makes you think you can beat me this time" Reign

"Because I have the power of love" Kara said

"Fool, love makes you weak, they make you vulnerable" Reign said

"Oh, I will show you who is weak" Kara said

They got in the air, fighting throwing and receiving blows from each other, then Reign used her heat vision, Kara fired back with another heat vision, Kara saw an opening and used her fire punch, she sends Reign flying from across the building bleeding, Reign retreated, she flew down all the people cheering her , Flash came in.

"You okay" Barry said, Kara smiled

"Of course I am" Kara said, they kissed and speed off the scene.

~The loft~

"Anything new in Central City" Kara asked

"Yeah, a samurai that is an android" Barry said, Kara was shocked.

"Like a Samuroid" Kara said, Barry nodded. "Cool, so cool"

Barry chuckled "It is cool if it weren't trying to kill me", they both laugh.

Barry kissed Kara and Kara kissed back roughly and leaned back to the couch, with Barry covering her body, and great thing happened.

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