Part 15

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~Four week later~

Kara POV

Today I will finally get married to the man I always love, I will always spend an eternity with him, Alex came up to me brushing my hair and said, "Kara Danvers you will finally be a married woman in a couple of hours" she said laughing.

"Yeah I can't believe it either" I said we laugh then Iris came with Caitlin and Felicity, "Hi guys" I said to them they waved and said.

"So this is the day huh" Felicity said, "You will finally become Kara Danvers-Allen" I nodded and said.

"Yeah I know I am so happy"

Barry POV

I am with Cisco, Oliver, and Clark (I am testing something to enhance the conversation thank you)

Barry-"Dude I am nervous" I said laughing, Oliver came up to me and said

Oliver-"It's only normal to be nervous, there will be a problem if you aren't nervous" Olive said laughing, Clark stand up and said

Clark-"You need to relax, in a few hours you'll be a married man" Clark tapping my shoulder and I smiled knowing Clark is happy for both me and Kara.

Cisco-"Dude I hope, you ready" Cisco said smiling, I nodded and took a deep breath knowing me and Kara will be as one.

Oliver-"Let's go" Oliver prepared me, and I exited room finally looking around and I bumped to a girl and said

???-"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to" I am so curious because she looked like someone, then I asked

"Do I know you, you look oddly familiar" she looked panicked and my suspicion got higher

"No, no I am just a waiter in this wedding that looked lovely", I swear she looked like someone but I cannot pin point who that it is, and before I can ask her another question she left and leave me clueless.

~1 hour later~

3rd POV

Kara is walking down the aisle and all tears were filled and Winn singing 'Running home to you' and the minister said

Minister-"You may all take your seat"

As the vows

Barry-"You know my life shattered when my mom died and I thought I can never love again, you prove me wrong Kara, you are the best thing that happen to me, you are the gift that I have been waiting for, the gift of an eternal love"

Kara-"Barry, I though there will be no tomorrow, I though there will be no love that is left for me, you prove me wrong too Barry you are the light that shattered the darkness in my heart"

Minister-"As the power invested to me I pronounce you as husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride"

Barry kissed Kara, everyone clapped, Cisco and Oliver are crying as Felicity and Caitlin laugh at the two boys.

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