Part 9

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My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friend at S.T.A.R Labs, I fight crime and find other meta-humans like me. I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats. I am the Flash and I am the only one fast enough to stop them.

"You have failed to Zoom" Zoom said angrily "I will get him next time". Aizen thought I don't have much time in my hands anymore two to three weeks I might die.

Barry has been trying to find Zoom all over the city. When he stopped at S.T.A.R Labs he asked Cisco "Anything?" Cisco said "Nope, sorry bud" Barry had asked the DEO even Argus for help. When he gets home a beautiful blonde woman was waiting for him. Kara kissed Barry and said "Anything with Zoom" Barry shook his head and said "No, whoever is helping Zoom he or she must be powerful enough to hide Zoom's speedforce energy and signature" Kara assured Barry "Don't worry will get him next time" Barry nodded and kissed Kara and you know what happen next.

Morning and Barry woke up to be greeted will a sleepy Kara and him slowly going to the kitchen and and cooked tons of pancake waffle and bacon, thanks to the speedforce he can just instantly spawn all of those. Kara woke up by the smell of pancake and waffle she rushed the kitchen like a little kid and said "SO MUCH!" Barry smiled and said "Just for you babe" Kara blushed and said "Thank you babe" she kissed the speedster and finished their meal and Kara heads to the DEO and Barry heads to S.T.A.R Labs and waited for Zoom's appearance again.

Kara in the DEO she has been preparing for the return of her bastard uncle Non and as she waits she has been taking down some aliens along the way. Kara is trying her new ability Fire punch she can manipulate fire in her hands and making it so dense and deals times two of her current strength but the downside to this attack is where she loses a megaton of her energy and stamina which is bad. Meanwhile Alex got a phone call she answered "Hello" a very concerned Caitlin said "We need Kara Barry is in big trouble."

Meanwhile in S.T.A.R Labs Cisco got a huge energy spike in his computer and said to Barry "Barry, unit 2 street 5" Barry said "on it" as he shock he saw Uryu fighting hollows with his Quincy powers. Barry asked "Uryu what's going on" Uryu said "Hollows are attacking Central" Then a very big beam showed up coming down it is Aizen Uryu is in the state of shock and he asked "Ai- AIZEN" Aizen smiled and said "Ah, the young Quincy" Uryu tried to fire an arrow at him and he deflect it shooting Uryu in the stomach which cause him to fall to the ground, luckily Barry catch him and said "Uryu is hit" Barry tried to run but Aizen sliced his back causing him to fall on his knees panting and thinking of a way to run then Aizen laser his arms causing him to scream he saw Kara flew down and said "YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR THIS" why crying out her anger and Aizen leave and said "I have no interest in weak, Supergirl until next time" Kara tried to rush him but he disappear. Kara brought both Barry and Uryu back to S.T.A.R Labs as they recover Kara asked "who's the guy that almost killed my boyfriend" Cisco said "We don't know only those two know" Looking to Barry and Uryu.

Barry woke up and Kara rushed to his side and asked "what happened?" Barry said "I truly don't know" Uryu said "That my friend is Sosuke Aizen leader of all hollows a formidable opponent"

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