Part 14

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Kara POV

I am now patrolling the National City, since the Justice League were formed the world's crime rate got down to half percent, the government is really thankful for the Justice League, I am about to visit Barry but another rogue alien attacked and I am fighting him until he was down, when he got down an ear piercing scream was fired at me and I was bleeding, Barry helped me up and gave me ear buds

"That will protect you from that alien" I nodded at Barry and wear the buds, "I have to go Thawne has come back from time" I nodded and worried that his greatest rival has come back from the dead, "Don't worry I'll be fine" he said assuring me that he won't die. I breathe and nodded

"Thanks babe, be careful ok", He nodded and flashed out the scene, I faced the alien and asked "Who are you" She smiled and didn't answer, when she tried to scream again it didn't work and she panicked, I flew over in front of he and said "Who are you" She smiled and answered

"I am Purity and I will kill you" she said smiling, I smiled, she has no powers over me but I should never underestimate my enemy. She swings and attack at me and I tried to dodge it but instead I got knocked back to a wall, when I recovered, she was gone and I flew out of the scene and walked to the DEO I see Barry and J'onn talking.

"What are you two talking about" I walked up to the boys and Barry said

"Nothing just a bit of an issue back at Central", I forgot Eobard Thawne has returned and he fought Barr.

"Is he back to his time" Barry shook his head and I was worried that he is still on the loose and he might hurt Barry. Barry saw the worried looked on my face and he cupped my cheeks

"I will be fine Ms. Danvers, I will come home before 7, ok" I nodded and knew not to worry about him as soon as he leaves, we've been working around the cloak to find this Purity person, she popped up again and I said

"Make sure everyone is evacuated" I said to J'onn and turned to his Martian form and took off. I face Purity and said "Why do you want to kill me" she just smiled and use her sonic cry, but luckily I still have the ear bud that Barry gave me and I quickly rushed her and tackled he, we fought punch for punch and a lot of people are watching, I need to win for them, I use my full powered punch and knocked her out I heard people cheering and I flew Purity back to the DEO I got home and saw Barry making breakfast.

Barry POV

I am now patrolling the Central City, since I created the Justice League the world's crime rate got down to half percent, the government is really thankful for the Justice League, I am about to visit Kara, Thawne showed up saying I will die we fought he barely escaped then Alex called me saying Kara is in trouble facing another rogue alien Alex said that the alien has sonic cry so I went to S.T.A.R Labs and got the sonic protector that Cisco made, I saw Kara and I helped her out and gave her the sonic protector

"That will protect you from that alien" Kara nodded at me and wear the buds, "I have to go Thawne has come back from time" I said she nodded and I saw her worried that my greatest rival has come back from the dead, "Don't worry I'll be fine" I said assuring her that I won't die I won't let Thawne win not today not ever. She breathes and nodded

"Thanks babe, be careful ok", she said, I nodded and flashed out the scene,

I went back to S.T.A.R Labs land asked Cisco, How is Thawne alive", Cisco shrugged his shoulder and said

"I don't know", Harry then spoke and said

"He is a time remnant that has been hiding in the speedforce so he doesn't get affected by the change in the timeline" We all nodded and he continued "That's why he's still alive, he protected himself from the effect of the timeline cleaver" then the alarms go off and I rushed the streets and we fought valiantly and I finally got his legs and spin it and threw him on a building, but when I got there he escaped already.

"Thawne must have had a good reason for coming to Mercury labs", I knew Thawne is plotting something because he isn't the kind of person that will go to a place like that just to lure me in.

"Maybe but, maybe he wants to lure you in" Caitlin said. I knew Caitlin has a point but "But we should still see what he came there to do, let's go Cisco" Caitlin said, Cisco nodded and ran to the Mercury labs to see what's going on.

"Bar, you ok" Joe ask and I nodded, "Why don't you visit Kara for a moment then we will let you know if something is happening to Thawne" I nodded and agreed, Joe is right I need to take a little breather for a moment.

I went to National City and saw J'onn looking at the monitor, I walked in and said "J'onn, how you doing, where's Kara" he looked at me and said

"I'm good Barry, Kara she's on a mission" I nodded and heard Kara landed and she walked up to us and said

"What are you two talking about" I responded said

"Nothing just a bit of an issue back at Central", Remembering the fight with Thawne

"Is he back to his time" I shook my head and I knew she was worried that he is still on the loose and he might hurt me but I won't let that happen not ever. I saw the worried looked on her face and I cupped my cheeks

"I will be fine Ms. Danvers, I will come home before 7, ok" I said to her assuring that I won't be beaten by Thawne she nodded and knew not to worry about me as soon as I leaves and back to S.T.A.R Labs , we've been working around the cloak to find Thawne, he popped up again and I said

"Let's finish this Thawne and I fought and I manage to sucker punch him knocking down and I brought him to S.T.A.R Labs and I saw so mad at him I asked him "Why are you so mad at me" he explain

"I wasn't all way mad at you, I idolize you I looked up to you , I.WANT.TO.BE.YOU, and when I found out my future I became your opposite, the more people you save, the more I take away from you. I will always be your reverse, Flash, and soon I will find out your name and kill you once and for all" I closed the pipeline door and found out that the time is catching up Cisco is being slowly erased from the existence. And I have to send Thawne back to the future, once I did I returned home and cooked, then Kara came home and after we finish the meal we go to bed and sleep cuddling each other.

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