Part 13

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My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friend at S.T.A.R Labs, I fight crime and find other meta-humans like me.

Barry woke up, beside him is Kara that is still sleeping, his body touching her bare skin, Barry kissed Kara's head as Kara woke up. "Good morning how is my fiancé", Barry said smiling still not believing that he has the most beautiful woman in the entire universe.

"Good morning good, I still can't believe in a few months we will be one, I will be Mrs. Allen" Kara smiled and Barry laughing, Kara asked "What's so funny".

"No-Nothing it's just that you are more cheesy that I am" Barry laughing, Kara just laugh at what he said, "Should we go to work" Barry said, Kara nodded before she get fired, she superspeed across and took a quick shower, Barry cooked pancake and waffle and bacon, Kara came out of the bathroom,

"BACON, PANCAKE, WAFFLE" Kara with wide eyes, Barry laugh, Kara and Barry ate their breakfast and kissed, as they go to CATCO National.

Barry worked on some paper works until Mrs. Grant went to Barry office with Kara she said "You will train Ms. Danvers for me Mr. Allen" Barry was shocked but he saw this coming, Mrs. Grant left the room and Kara smiled and locked the door and rides Barry's lap, Barry smiled.

"So what do we do first" Kara said playfully and stood up and got a notepad. Barry smiled.

"So first we need to get a story for the proposal of the Flash and Supergirl, then we will make an article of that and we need to interview the people that are in that event their opinions good once and bad once" Barry said Kara nodded, Kara knew from the beginning that Barry will make the best leader and he will soon form the best team all around the world.

~After hours~

Barry is at the S.T.A.R Labs hanger working on something then accidentally the device had launched to space creating a watch tower then he decided to teleport their using the teleport pad he created and installed to the watch tower, he set the watch tower to the cloaking mode so it is invincible to anyone even the radar can't see the watch tower. He looked at the files that he wants to form naming them Justice League

The list:

Sara Lance aka White Canary

Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow

Laurel Lance aka Black Canary

Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern

J'onn J'onzz aka Martian Man hunter

Bruce Wane aka Batman

Clark Kent aka Superman

Kate Kane aka Batwoman

Cisco Ramon aka Vibe

Ray Palmer aka The A.T.O.M

Jefferson and Stein aka Firestorm

Wally West aka Kid Flash

Kara Danvers aka Supergirl

Barry Allen aka The Flash

"This is all, time for recruitment"

~Gotham City~

Barry heard a footstep from behind "it took you a while to show up Bruce" Batman and Batwoman showed their selves, "It's time"

"You have formed the group that you are talking about" Batman said, Batwoman was confused, "It's an organization full of heroes" Batman said to Batwoman, Batwoman nodded. Batman looked to Barry and said "When and where"

"Tomorrow, S.T.A.R Labs hanger" Barry said and Batman and Batwoman left and Barry speed over to Coast City

~Coast City~

"Barry what's your business here" Hal said flying down

"Justice League" Barry said Hal nodded.

"When and Where" Hal said, Barry is starting to form his ultimate team.

"S.T.A.R Labs hanger, tomorrow"

~S.T.A.R Labs hanger"

"Barry why are we here" Cisco asked, Barry smirked and clap his hands and a beam teleported them to the Watch tower.

"This is so cool babe" Kara kissed Barry

"So this is where we will all stay there is radar around the world that will notify us for anything that is happening in our respective cities" Barry smiled and Oliver walked up to him staring down the earth.

"The age of the new heroes is born" Oliver said

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