Part 16

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~Two months after the weeding~

S.T.A.R Labs

Barry-"we should try to find that girl", worried about something, Cisco noticed and walked up to him

Cisco-"What girl?" Barry goes to the computer and started typing and as the picture of someone with black suit and a mask.

Barry-"That girl", Cisco and Caitlin looked confused on who the hell is that.

Caitlin-"One question who is that" Cisco nodded looking at Barry

Barry-"This is Reign" Cisco laughed, Barry ignored in and continued

Barry-"as what I am saying, this Reign lady is a kryptonian like Kara, she is terrorizing the whole national" Cisco looked confused on how they are going to help.

Cisco-"What do you need again?" Barry shook his head knowing Cisco forgot what he said like 5 minutes ago

Barry-"We need to find her and let me know I will be in national", both nodded and now trying to search Reign

National City

Alex-"so Kara how is the married life"

Kara-"Good, actually the best"

Alex-"Thought so" Kara then all of a sudden changed her mood

Kara-"Any news on Reign", Alex shook her head

Alex-"Sorry sis we tried finding her but not good, she's invincible to us" Kara sighed not knowing what to do, then Barry came flashing in

Barry-"S.T.A.R Labs are doing everything they can to find Reign", Barry walked up to Kara and kiss her.

Kara-"Thank you babe, I really appreciate that"

Kara and Barry got home to their loft; Barry said "What do you wanna do?" Kara walked up to Barry and hugged him.

"I wanna just cuddle you all day long", Kara said. Barry laughed at Kara and Kara looked up and asked "What, did I say something wrong to my husband" Barry shook his head

"No you did nothing, I just think you are the best that happened to me" Barry said, Kara smiled.

"Well Barry, you are the best thing that I was never expecting to come to my life", they kissed roughly Kara lie down on the couch and great things happened.

Few hours later

Barry woke up and felt the skin of Kara touching his, he smiled and kissed her head, Kara woke up and said "Good morning that was fun" Kara laughing, Barry laughed.

"I had fun to" he said, they got dressed and ate lunch as then Cisco called, what is it Cisco" Barry said.

'We need you now here at S.T.A.R Labs, we have lead on Reign' Barry stood and looked at Kara, "We have a lead on Reign" he said. Kara stood up and said "what are we waiting for". Barry and Kara rushed the S.T.A.R Labs and Cisco jumped of the chair.

Cisco said "Dear god, please don't do that ever again". Barry walked up with Kara, Kara looked at Cisco and asked, "Where is she", Cisco said "right I forgot, she's between Central Cabin to National district", Kara was shocked and said "That's to big even of me and Barry to search", Barry nodded and said "We are not doing this alone we have to ask for help with Alex and the DEO", Cisco said "I'll help too I can breach to any possible locations, Caitlin you coming with me?" Caitlin nodded and so the heroes head out.

Barry didn't find anything on his end so is Cisco and Caitlin, but Kara was searching to only to get punched by Reign, Kara falls but maintain her balance in air she rushed Reign and pinned her down the wall, Kara asked "What do you want", Reign smiled and said "For all of you to die". Kara and Reign fought mid air Kara is losing and she got knocked down by Reign, Kara is having a hard time staying awake, she got punched in the face and flew a few distance, Kara trying to get up but Reign grabbed her hair and flew, She spin Kara mid air and threw her back down the floor, Kara was knocked down, Barry saw it all happened Reign was about to put Kara again but Barry caught her arm and freeze it, Reign having a hard time to move, Barry ran Kara to the DEO.

Alex was watching the live report and was about to rush Kara until she saw Barry freeze Reign and rushed out of the scene until Barry rushed her to the med bay, Alex was crying and Barry trying to comfort her, Barry said "it's all my fault", Alex shook her head and said "This isn't your fault Barry" Alex hugged Barry, Barry though 'Reign will pay for this'

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