Part 18

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~Unknown location~

"My love our plan is almost complete" woman said

"Good then let's go destroy Central City, the home of The Flash" man said

~The Loft~

Barry woke up remembering what happened yesterday, Barry smiled and kissed Kara.

"Good morning babe" Kara said.

"Good morning babe, I'll make breakfast you go shower" Barry said

"Ok" she nodded and sped to the shower.

Barry sped to the kitchen making breakfast, as Kara came out to see the food, its plates on top of plates, on top of plates. Kara smiled.

"Thank you babe" she said smiling kissing him.

They ate and when to CATCO National and work there for a bit, until Barry's peaceful time was cut off by Cisco calling him.

"What is it Cisco" Barry said

'There is a Meta here, with hollow powers Uryu and Wally are having a heated battle with it, you may need to come here and back them up' Cisco said.

"Ok tell them that I am coming" Barry said, he hung up the call and sped to Central City, Barry saw Wally panting and Uryu keeping the hollow busy.

"Can't hold him forever Flash" Uryu said

Barry ran up to the building and jumped punching the hollow in the face, hollow got disoriented for a second but easily got up, Barry ran away from it, he created a clone, clone 1 is running beside him until he reached 5.3 miles he then ran back with his clone beside him and did double supersonic punch. Uryu and Wally ran up to them.

"You ok" Wally said

"Yeah just a little sore" Barry said

"So double supersonic punch huh, pretty cleaver" Uryu said

"It's a last minute decision" Barry said. "Let's go back to S.T.A.R Labs" They both nodded and Wally grabbed Uryu

"How did he have the power of the hollow I clearly don't understand that" Uryu said. "I thought with Aizen dead we have no more problems with the hollow"

"I thought so too, but there is someone out there who's commanding the hollows" Barry said

"Yeah but we have no idea who it is" Cisco said, Cisco noticed Harry thinking and asked "What are you thinking"

"I am thinking, this man behind the Samuroid and Hollow metas are only one" Harry said

"That is a possibility" Caitlin said.

"Have anything on that Samuroid" Barry said, Cisco shook his head.

"Nothing, who ever this is, he's smart" Cisco said.

"If you find anything call me, I'll be in National" they all nodded and Barry sped out 

~National City~

Kara was working hard and is going to give Barry her paperwork, she entered the room.

"Barry I have... Barry, Where is he" Kara said, as she walked out she saw Barry beating a weird looking Meta, "Oh that's why".

She got a phone call from Winn

"What is it Winn" she said

'It's a weird looking meta like the once in Central, the one Barry beats' he said.

"Ok on my way" Kara said

Kara landed and she got immediately attacked.

"Rude, so rude" she said

She punched the Meta and the Meta healed, and attacked Kara she dodged it she punched the Meta again, and healed again.

"Well that's new" she said, she heard Winn in coms

'Supergirl hit fast that he can't have time to regenerate'

Supergirl attacked the Meta so fast that the Meta falls to his knees; she punched it in the face and got knocked out.

She went back to the DEO and walked to Alex, J'onn, and Winn

"You did good Supergirl" J'onn said, Kara smiled

"Thanks J'onn" Kara said, J'onn nodded

"So what was that out there" Alex said, Kara shrugged her shoulder

"Truly I don't know" Kara said

"Whatever it is, you are not the only one who fought it' Winn said, Kara nodded

"Yeah Barry did" Kara said, then Barry flashed in, Kara walked up to him and kissed him. "What is that thing?"

"It's half meta half Hollow" Barry said, and the other are shocked

"But I though with Aizen gone, all the Meta will be gone to" Alex said

"That's what we are trying to figure out" Barry said

"Well mine was regeneration" Kara said, Barry was shocked. "What is it babe"

"Mine was super strength" Barry said, all of them are shocked.

"So what you guys are implying is this Mellow have different abilities" J'onn said, they both nodded

"Oh god, this will be difficult if the main guy has an army of these things" Winn said

"We are thinking that, the man controlling the samuroid that attacked Central yesterday, is the one behind all of this" Barry said

"Wait the samurai that attacked Central is not a human" Alex asked, Barry nodded

"Yup it's only a robot" Barry said

"So that's why its name is samuroid" Winn said, Barry nodded

"Oh well I wanna go home babe" Kara said to Barry, Barry chuckled and nodded.

Seconds later their back home, Barry said "I'll prepare the dinner", Kara nodded, Moments later they ate and sleep

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