Chapter 19

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More hours of boredom later...




and a half more



I guess talking would pass time

Am I really in love with Alexis?


we, i mean Alexis and I are even fortunate than the characters in 'The Fault In Our Stars' yet we don't have the same moments of love and i'm like its different than having cancer. Hazel was never alone she had Gus with her. I have Alexis with me but still I feel alone. Like any writers would have write are their own lines. Now I think its my time.

"No one can drive straight in life"

my time to have that line! not my time to die... At least let me experience being in a relationship first.

"Hey..." Alexis whispered

Kissed her forehead and her head leaned on my shoulder.

See... As if we are in a relationship. She's using me. If she is...i'd love her still.. Although there's pain in my chest I still wish her the best.

I'm being dramatic again

i'm tired of this drama thing sometimes

can someone just hug me and kiss me? watch me sleep and prepare food? watch movies and go to places?

I think its too soon to have a wife.

people yet tend to forget life is short and death has no escape. Look at me 18 years with her is like being in a cage full of butterflies. Just a metaphor.

Confession is hard for me. She might leave me...

I can't imagine a week without her well it happened and that got me depressed. Its hard for me since i'm used to her being there. My chest is used to pain. Especially when its Alexis Xavier we're talking about.

Closed my eyes


"I'd watch over you."

"Hey smarty pants what's happening to you?" Alexis said

"Uh nothing.."

"Open your eyes."

Opened my eyes

"What is it?"

She held my hand and made me point my index finger.

"What are you doing?"

Then draw scribbles on the plane window

"Uh.. Alexis?"


"Can you tell me what are you doing?"

"Look. They may just be random stuff but its like life." she stated

"because there's no straight line?" I got puzzled

"Kinda. you don't get the point do yah?"

I nodded

"This is how much I like you..."

"Oh! My! Gawd! haha! They're so sweet." Francia said

"W-What are you saying?" Pretending I don't like her

well I don't cause I love her.

"Pfftt!! I like you!" she said

"I'm deaf"

"Then why'd you answer back nitwit?!" Francia protested

Rolled my eyes

"I told you not to do that." Alexis raised her brow

"Sorry...And Alexis?"

"Yup?" she replied as she looked to my eyes. Those lovely brown dreamy eyes.

"I'd rather be a bestfriend than to lose you and say that someday you're just my ex"

"Relax. . . I was just kidding" then she laughed it left me speechless. She's so cruel

"Young Lady, be more careful with your words especially when its love." the passenger next to us said.

We looked at him and didn't reply a word not even Francia that she's the noisiest one of us three.

"Hello? this is the pilot speaking. We will be arriving at our destination in 1 hour."

Let out a big sigh

"Are you okay?" Alexis asked

I nodded

"I'm sorry. I think that was a bad joke." she frowned

"Hey... Its alright..." I half whispered

She held my hand and our hands interlocked. I'm like having a party with Hyenas inside my mind. I'm going nuts! i'm even feeling butterflies in my stomach.

She leaned her head on my shoulder and I felt the strong grip on our interlocked hands.

I felt HEAVEN!!!

"So I have a daughter-in-law already? time sure flies by so fast. You two are so sweet. I envy you" Mom stated

"Uh..No Mom.. Just friends" I replied

Glam Alexis was asleep

"But son. Look at both of you. Don't you think its what you say forever? you've know yourselves since the time you were born."

"But Mom, I might lose her. I don't want her to leave me."

"I know how it feels but eventually time heals everything. Take the risk." Mom said. She's my Mom alright!

Supportive and Loving! no doubt she's a super mom!

"You look adorable together..." Mom gently said

Chill went down my spine. Yeah! I hope so.

Alexis . . .

Someday i'd tell you but it feels like the wrong time

Hey bro!


ain't it weird talking to yourself?

Heard that!

Sorry! Haha

its alright but dude there isn't a wrong time!

huh? how can you say that?

imagine Alexis would be gone!

what do you mean by gone?

As in GONE!!!

Then ... I don't know..

you would say I love you already when she's inside the coffin?!?

Don't say such things!!

I should!! cause if you tell her late


To be continued... haha Sorry but its supposed to be in Chapter 20. How's Chapter 19 though?

Vote and comment then follow me okay? Love yah guys!

Hashtag the story!




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