Chapter 4

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"What the hell is going on!?" Coach Thunder shouted. Ralph explained everything to him and he calmed down and sat on the chairs. I saw him nodded. Then Ralph gave me an okay sign. So all I need is the team.

Slamming of the gym doors.

"Lets play!" Ryan shouted. Everyone was here. Then arrived the others. They threw my old bag. And got me my attire. We went out the locker room like jackasses. Ridiculous in fact.

"Okay so you little pussies are playing Volleyball. May the best team win. Layson Dragons versus the Rookie Crushers. I volunteer as the referee. Let the game begin so we can end this fuckin' barbie shit quick" Coach Thunder announced. Everyone cheered. Mostly to Coltrane's team but who cares? No one remembered that we went Nationals. Haha. I never doubted my friends. Every sweat will do in this match.

"Okay guys. Let's do this. Beat them to a pulp. Leave nothing but their tears. Leave that guy with the gothic face to me. That's Coltrane their Captain and its my obligation as Captain to shame him team. Ready!?" I asked with determination.

"Ready!!!" Everyone shouted as well.


Service was theirs so we have the attack first. Gladly Gabriel was their for the spike and the ball hit the ground quick. We got the 1st point and continued till now 15-0. I saw people cheer. They all slowed down and they blurred and all I saw was Alexis. Sitting, All quiet and didn't do anything but stare at the net.

"Maven! Look out!" Christian shouted.


I got hit on the head. Coltrane taunted me and my team but that was just their 1st score. So it went on. 24-8 last point for our team to get this set. I was at front. Ryan tossed the ball towards me then I hitted the ball so hard and aimed it on Coltrane. He was thrown back. I hit his face. His nose bleeded then the crowd paused cheering then started laughing at Coltrane. My team members jumped as we won the match. This is what I mean. I hurt the people causing me bullshits. I'm serious about never having the option to lose. I always get motivated by the friends around me. Alexis ran to Coltrane and asked if he was okay. She looked at me with the What-The-Hell-Look. I think she was mad or something. I just escaped her gaze and smiled back at my team mates. Girls came running down wanting to have a picture with me. I didn't bother. I just smiled. My Big Fat Fake Smile. :D Cheese!

few hours later. Alexis and I were already on our way home.

"So how was the game?" I asked happily.

"How was the Game!? How was the Game!?" she angrily replied. There you have it folks! she went bananas.

"Yes! how was it?" I smirked.

"It was great but Maven you promised!!" She frowned and sobbed.

"For him i'd make an exemption." I replied. This is getting nowhere.

"But you promised! Goddamn it Maven!" she covered her face with her hands. I heard her sniffling.

"Hey? are you crying?" I asked. Just as I predicted. The one thing I hate the most. Seeing girls cry. Its been ages since I last saw her cry. Grade 2? when someone stole my gift from her? Girls are sensitive. Everyone is. Also us boys but sadly boys doesn't like doing it or expressing it while crying loud. Girls are fragile that's why we take good care of their heart. I was driving and it would be night once I stop. She was crying but I didn't want to stop.

3 minutes later. I stopped my car outside her house then she left without a single word. Leaving me with an O shaped mouth. What the heck is happening!? I went home. Showered again and went to my room to groom then prepared my outfit for tonight. 7:40 pm. I went to Alexis' house I knocked and no one answered. Maybe she went off already. I drove to Levi's house. Music was blowing the roof off. People were dancing in and outside the house. People were knowing eachother. Others were making out with sluts. I didn't know what to do but drink. I went to the drinks area. Bill and the rest of the gang were there.

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