Author's Note

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"I'm Roman Catholic but please no matter what you maybe we are only separated by religion,language and state. We can be friends and I like having new awesome friends"


Sunday of January 18 at 11:43 pm

This would be my Personal Message to share

I'm a college student taking Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Tonight my greatest decision will be made if its either I will continue or not with my studies. I clearly want to transfer to another school. My family is breaking apart. I got no one on my side anymore. My friends, Close friends, Bestfriends and I guess my secret enemies are laughing at my misery right now. I got no reason to live anymore. No one understands me anymore. I'm not paranoid or anything but .....Gahhh... I don't know where to go and what to do anymore....This is really a big trial for me... I thought parents are the one that is supposed to understand their child and support any decision but for this moment? :( I think they are having regrets they even made me, fruit of love they say. I hate myself now yet I ":]" Wear that on my face just to think everything is alright. Since no one knows my pain.

Thank you for reading this story...Maybe in Heaven or wherever may I go this story might help you to find the true meaning of friendship. At least I did. Some events happened.

Secretly In Love With My BestfriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin