The Rescue Mission Part 2: Chapter 14

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***If you didn't read last chapter please do so.***

(Where we left off)

[3rd POV]

Harry and Ginny ran with Draco and Hermione right behind them. Pansy, Ron, Neville and Luna ran the opposite direction.

A death eater appeared in between Ginny and Draco. Draco and Hermione had to split up from Harry and Ginny.

Harry and Ginny were running when a black smoke appeared. Lucius Malfoy appeared holding out his hand and they quickly turned around again and ran.

"Stupefy!" Ginny shouted as she aimed at a death eater. The death eater blocked her spell.

They ran until they ran into to everyone else.

(Hermione and Draco after they got seperated from Harry and Ginny)

Draco and Hermione ran down a row and turned the corner. There stood a death eater.

"Stupefy!" Hermione said and her and Draco ran. 

The death eater blocked the spell. Two death eaters appeared, one of the death eaters was standing behind them and the other was in front of them.

Hermione turned around facing the other death eater.  Her back to Draco's so they were touching.

"Stupefy!" They both yelled.

Hermione had knocked out the death eater and her and Draco ran. They ran through rows when they suddenly ran into everyone else.

(Pansy, Ron and Neville)

Pansy and Ron were running and following closely behind them was Neville and Luna. A death eater appeared in between Luna and Neville. Luna turned around and ran through a different row. 

Neville had to keep following Ron and Pansy.

"Pansy this may not be the right time to say this but I like you!" Ron said as they continued to run.

"I like you to!" Pansy said. Neville was running behind them, he was confused why they wanted to say it now when they were being chased by death eaters.

"Well in that case will you be my girlfriend." Ron asked Pansy.

"Sure!" Pansy said and they kept on running.

"Guy's that's sweet and all but we are kind of running from death eaters and Ron you picked this as a good way to ask her out!" Neville said.

Before Ron could answer two death eaters appeared.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville shouted, the death eater blocked the spell.

"Stupefy!" Pansy yelled and she successfully hit the death eater.

They continued running and then they ran into everyone else.

(Luna after she got seperated)

Luna ran down a row when a death eater appeared she went to turn around when it appeared in front of her and hit her in the face knocking her down and causing her mouth to bleed.

She grabbed her wand and aimed it at the death eater.

"Levicorpus!" She said and the death eater got hit. She smiled and got up and started running again.

She bumped into the rest of them.

(With all of them)

They all looked at each other when Ginny walked in front.

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