What is love? Chapter 3

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***Welcome back to my story! Last episode we found out about Harry and Ginny having a contract marriage. If you don't remember go and reread it because I'm not going to explain again. Anyway I hope you enjoy!***

(In Harry and Ginny's room)

[Ginny's POV]

Me and Harry walking our room. He looks around and sets his stuff down ignoring me. "Sooo.." I said trying to start a conversation. "Listen here Weaselette, we may have a contract marriage thing but that doesn't mean I want to be here." Harry said annoyed and he turned around. "You don't have to be so rude." I said with a sassy attitude. "Also can you stop calling me Weaselette?" I asked, to be honest I hate it when he calls me Weaslette. "Can you be quiet you annoying me" Harry said in a mean tone. "You know what I am just trying to be nice there is no need to be a jerk to me!" I said as I started to get angry. "Oh sorry sunshine, would you rather me come and give you a hug?" He said sarcastically rolling his eyes and turning away. I decided I was done talking to him and walked out.

[Harry's POV]

Ginny left the room and I was pleased, it has only been 5 minutes and I already hate it. I was continuing to unpack when there was a knock at the door. "Come in" I said. "Harry I wanted to talk to you." Sirius said as he walked through the door. "About?" I asked. "Why don't you like Ginny?" He asked me bluntly. "Who said I didn't like her?" I asked, I didn't want him to look at me as the bad guy. "Harry it is really obvious, she is a really nice girl." He said while looking around. "I don't know." I said while I continued to unpack. "Harry I really think you should give her a chance." He said picking up one of Harry's books. "She probably already hates me Sirius anyway I am perfectly happy without her. I am going to keep it that way, she is annoying and a pain in the arse." I said as i threw a pair of socks on to the ground. "Harry have you actually had a one on one conversation with her?" He asked picking up the pair of socks and putting them away. "No and I don't plan on it." I said while I put my empty bag in the corner of the room. "I think you should have a conversation with her. She seems nice and I think you guys will get along very well after all you two are soulmates." He said sitting on the bed. "I don't know Sirius, I just think I am better off on my own." I said sitting next to him. "Have you ever had someone?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked even though I knew what he meant. "You know, someone to talk to, someone to comfort you." He said now facing me. "I have you." I said looking back at him. "Harry I'm not going to be with you every day, you need someone who will be and I think Ginny would give it a chance." He said starting to stand up. "I like being on my own it is nice and I don't have to worry about anyone." I said standing up as well. "Well at least think about it." He said as he walked out of the room. I knew he was right I did need someone but Ginny Weasley, she has been my enemy for years now. To learn that we are soulmates and are suppose to be together it is just crazy. I mean she is really pretty and all but I have done just well on my own. But maybe Sirius is right, maybe I should let her in, maybe I should have a conversation with her and see what she is really like. Ugh who and I kidding, she is Ginny Weasley I hate her and I always will. Well at least I think I hate her........

***Sorry this chapter was shorter then the others. I felt like that was a good place to leave off.  Harry had a nice chat with Sirius, will he let Ginny in? I hope you enjoyed!***

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