Diagon Alley: Chapter 6

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***Welcome back to my story. I don't have much to say except there was a time skip since last chapter. Anyway happy reading!***

(One week before they go back to hogwarts, so about a month and a half after last chapter.)

[3rd POV]

Harry woke up and saw Ginny sleeping and just stared at her. They have gotten very close in the past month and a half. Ron and Harry still hate each other but that didn't stop Harry from anything. 

Harry has started to fall for Ginny and Ginny the same for Harry. They are trying not to admit it but it's obvious to everyone around them.

Suddenly Mrs. Weasley had yelled "Breakfast!"

[Harry's POV]

I was staring at Ginny when I heard Mrs. Wealsey yell breakfast. Ginny hadn't waken up from this so I walked over to the side of the bed to wake her up.

"Ginny wake up!" I said shaking her softly.

"5 more minutes." She said in a mumble. I would try to wake her up more but she looked so peaceful. 

"Fine." I said and I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

I had fallen for Ginny so much over this month and a half. She was my soft spot and if she told me to do something I listened. She made me feel comforted which I never felt before. She made me happy.

I don't know how I could have hated her before, I do however think she learned that she had become my soft spot, in fact I think she is using it against me.

We are going to Diagon Alley for school shopping today which means I finally get to see my fellow Slytherin friends. I haven't been able to write to them all summer. I told them that I had to stop writing but I never said why.

I was also planning on asking Ginny to be my girlfriend soon. I use to hate her and never wanted to be near her but now I love her and always want to be with her. Wait did I just say I love her. She is really starting to get to me.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Ginny was still asleep so I decided I was going to wake her up for good this time.

"Ginny wake up and no going back to sleep." I said shaking her more violently this time.

"5 more minu-" she managed to say before I picked her up and flung her over my shoulder.

[Ginny's POV]

Harry had come back and woke me up once again I managed to mumble and say "5 more minu-" suddenly I felt him grab my waist and pick me up. He threw my onto his shoulder so I was dangling. 

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed has he opened the door and walked out.

"No, you will go back to sleep." I said as I carried her down stairs. 

"HARRY POTTER IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I WILL HEX YOU, AND DON'T THINK I'M JOKING AROUND BECAUSE I'M NOT!" She screamed as she was hitting my back. I walked into the kitchen with her still on my shoulder. 

Mrs. Wealey heard me walked up and turned around and said "Morning dear we are ha-" she stopped when she saw Ginny on my shoulders. Ginny was hitting my back trying to get me to put her down.

"PUT ME DOWN NOW!!!" She screamed.

"Shush, I'm trying to listen to your mom." I said holding her legs so she didn't kick me.

Mrs. Weasley just looked and started talking again. "Anyway we are having pancakes and then we are going to go to Diagon Alley for book shopping."

"Okay, sounds good." I said smiling.

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