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"Holy shit, you're not dead"

           FOR A SPLIT SECOND, FROST BELIEVED everything was over

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FOR A SPLIT SECOND, FROST BELIEVED everything was over. She believed that everything she held dear to her slipped from her grasp as she was taken from reality. Except she wasn't, she was just being dramatic. The Ice Demon slowly began to regain a sense of feeling in her body as the rocks around her released there immense pressure suddenly. She gritted her teeth together as she rolled her fingers into the palms of her hands, shimmering ice dripping from her fingertips as she channeled as much energy as possible. The sweat building up around her hairline didn't help at all however, she wouldn't be getting out of here... She knew that much.

With a grunt merging with a cry, Frost pulled herself free, sitting up and scratching away the rocks that were piled on her legs, mist dripping from her ghostly pale skin. She let go of a light gasp as the rocks fell from her face and oxygen was gladly welcomed. Her eyes darted above as two figures soared overhead. Peter and Ego... "Holy moly," Frost muttered, a small grin forming on her tired expression as she watched Peter beat the shit out of the manipulative bastard.

But, her joy was short lived as she rose to her feet, crying out as an unimaginable burning pain danced through her body threateningly. Frost couldn't hold back her whimper this time, hunching forward with her arms around her torso and face scrunched up in pain.

"I was wondering when you would start feeling it," Rocket muttered as he glided to her. As he stepped down from the sky weaponless, he tore the aero-ring from his back, leaping up and placing it between Frost's shoulder blades. Instantly, the suit appeared and wrapped tightly around her coat. "You're our trip out of here." Rockey scrambled up to sit on her shoulder, keeping one paw tangled in her hair as the other sat on the side of her shoulder, keeping him stable. "But we gotta go get Groot first."

"Okay... Okay!" Frost huffed out, pushing herself off the ground with the aero-rig's assistance.

She swerved around the falling debris, feeling Rocket claw against her shoulder as he attempted to not go plummeting to the ground below. Frost almost fell as she hit the opening in Ego's core, stumbling to catch herself before she fell. Rocket bounced back up on the Ice Demon's shoulder before cupping his paws around his mouth; "Groot? If you can hear me, hurry up!" he yelled, hoping his voice would carry through the cave systems and reach him. "I'm not sure how long Quill can keep him distracted!"

"Groot! Please hurry up!" Frost now screamed, urging the baby sappling to speed up his actions. She anxiously glanced over his shoulder as Ego and Peter swerved through the sky with equally powerful punches and kicks being thrown back and fourth. As the torturous minutes passed, Frost kept glancing behind her as they waited for Groot, finding herself worrying for the other Guardians.

"I am Groot!" came a tiny yell, making Frost's gaze snap back ahead, spotting the baby sapling scrambling out from a small crack in the ground.

"Oh thank god," the Ice Demon muttered in relief, crouching down and letting Groot climb onto her cupped hands. As she stood, Rocket reached down and grabbed ahold of Groot, placing him on his shoulder and urging Frost to move. Who knew how much time was left on the clock?

Following Rocket's commands, Frost next glided back down to one of the many stems of earth across the caverns. She came close enough for Yondu to hear Rocket's pleads and yells, the desperation visibile; "Yondu, we're about to blow!"

Yondu didn't hesitate before urging the three friends away: "Get to the ship!" he insisted, pointing above to where said ship was docked.

"Not without Quill!" the raccoon screamed back, Frost's head snapping back and fourth to watch the two converse in loud and urging tones.

"You need to take care of the twig!" Yondu then swiveled his head to look at the increasingly weakening Ice Demon who looked absolutely exhausted. "And Frosty over there."

Rocket hesitated, his posture beginning to falter alongside a growing frown over his fuzzy face. "Not without you," he said more sorrowfully, seeing the potential ways the situation could end with. Even Frost, the coldhearted side to a good soul was beginning to feel the seperation that was turning into pain as it scrapped at her frozen heart, trying to claw through.

"I ain't done nothin' right my whole damn life, rat..." Yondu's eyes dropped as he fell into thought of the past and experiences that defined his life before looking back up at Rocket. "You need to give me this."

Frost tilted her head up with a permanent frown upon her snowy white features that mimicked the raccoon's expression. Similarly, Groot had a matching expression upon his much smaller face with bold eyes holding visible signs of sorrow.

"Uh... A spacesuit and an aero-rig... I only have one of each." Rocket held out the two individual gadgets to Yondu, predicting how this could end unwillingly whilst handing them over.

With a heavy heart, Frost allowed herself to back up from Yondu, her focus now shifting to be purely on her two little friends that resided on her shoulder. She was halted however as Groot's tiny voice appeared against the eerieness of the surrounding area; "I am Groot."

A smile broke onto Frost's face alongside a stifled chuckle.

"What's that?"

A growing smirk emerged over Rocket's fuzzy face, "he says 'welcome to the frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy'. Only he didn't use frickin'." Frost offered a small smile and nod of respect to the older individual as Rocket and Groot bid their farewells, the Ice Demon beginning to lead them away with a faint "bye twig" fading into the air as the trio flew to safety.

"We're gonna need to have a real discussion about your language," Rocket commented as he held tightly onto Frost's hair, glancing at the small sapling.

Frost smirked, her icy gaze shifting to look at the animal, "I'm blaming you. You're fault."


A surprising sound emerged from Frost's lips, a genuine laugh slipping free as she grinned, a sense of glee being unusual for the typical harsh and abrupt behavior the Ice Demon possessed. She didn't reply to his outburst, having her full focus on weaving them safely through the crumbling debris of land. The tunnel and underground systems were caving in mercilessly, attacking the three of them and making Frost's job a lot harder then it needed to be.

Colour was beginning to restore to her skin, the heat scorching her body torturing her spirit and causing the kinder side of the duel personality to try and resurface. She didn't let it happen and the full switch to commence.

"Not now..." she whispered, eyes squeezing shut whilst she forced Allison away.

Successfully, Frost burst through the canopy of sand and dirt hanging above them. The Ice Demon sneezed, gasping for air before focusing upon manuvering through the sky andtwo the ship docked in the distance.

As soon as her feet met the deck of the ship, Frost collapsed to her knees, coat draping over her trembling body. She huffed loudly whilst her two companions climbed off her shoulder and stepped down to the ship, her breathing acting like a knife as it cut through the air abruptly. Noticing the harshness to her actions, Rocket instantly tried to catch her attention and distract her from the burning sensation currently scorching her relentlessly. He didn't succeed as the Ice Demon was dragged in and out of consciousness, drifting slowly whilst trying to hang onto reality.

And with a final weak huff, her body fell, collapsing on her side as she passed out with scorched skin and dampened powers, the heat become way to overbearing for the cold side to Allison Frost.

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