III) Prologue: Demons

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      EVERY SCREAM AND YELL OF PAIN earned a jump, yelp or cry from young Allison Frost who huddled closely to her mother

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EVERY SCREAM AND YELL OF PAIN earned a jump, yelp or cry from young Allison Frost who huddled closely to her mother. The older woman's arms tightened around her daughter's trembling body, pressing tender kissing to the girl's hairline in an attempt to help her calm down despite the chaos outside.

Accompanying the pained sounds were obnoxiously loud bangs that frightened Allison more then what the others did. The gunshots were repetitive, never ceasing as citizens were gunned down. Her mother's grip tightened around Allison further if that was even possible, kissing the top of head in attempt to comfort the scared young girl.

"Who are they mommy?" the girl's soft voice asked, a quiver clear with her eyes becoming hazy as tears surfaced. She could only stay strong for so long.

Her mother's blue eyes looked down at her, and even if she was only young, Allison couldn't miss the panic and worry etching over the older woman's gaze. "I am unsure sweetie."

Few rays of sunlight slid through their home, doors and curtains being shut and locked to hopefully prevent themselves from any danger. Large wooden planks were nails to the windows, practically sticking the curtains to the chipped painting. The few rays of light slipping through illustrated silhouettes of the invaders outside hurrying past, supposedly paying the home no attention, expecting it to be empty.

But those precautions could only do so much.

Her mother jumped slightly as she heard heavy footsteps storm past the window they were under, the most ever since this invasion began. There was no place in their home they could hide, so hoping and praying the criminals wouldn't check was their last option.

"Where's the ice demon!" a voice yelled, croaky and demanding. The sound made her mother's grip tighten, making Allison gasp quietly for breath before sealing her lips as her mother clamped her hand over her mouth.

Allison looked over her mother's pale arms, tears slipping from her eyes before her gazr shifted down to her hands. She silently observed the small white mist fade sprinkling off her fingertips.

Allison had a gift as her mother said, a gift from the gods.

Her mother grabbed her hands, pushing them into Allison's chest and watched the white mist disappear slowly, trying to hide her daughter's abilities in an attempt to keep them safe. If the mist were to get out, the intruders would know Allison was in there.

"Are they talking about me?" young Allison asked softly. "Mommy, am I an ice demon?"

"You just have a gift sweetheart," her mother tried comforting her daughter, reasurring the kidnappers were not after her.

But, it did nothing as suddenly, the front door slammed open, falling off their hinges due to the impact. Allison let out a scream of terror and shoved her head into her mother's chest fearfully, shoulder shaking with quiet sobs.

An unknown spieces of aliens stood in the doorway, glaring down at the mother and daughter. They were visibly armed, weapons ranging from plasma pistols to simplr spears in their grasps.

"Ah, there she is," the alien smirked devilishly when he saw the young girl, recognising the girl's appearance from the debrief that had occured hours prior. The girl's appearance was practically drilled into their brains.

Her mother pretty much snarled at the creature, skidding further backing into the chipped wall as the aliens took a step closer. Her grip around Allison never faltered. She would never let anyone hurt her daughter.

"Don't make this difficult," one of them snapped, charging the plasma gun and aiming it at the woman, who never backed down despite her rapid heartbeat and hyperventilating.

Allison never let her head lift, her cries never ceasing.

"Get away, you aren't taking my daughter. Not over my dead body," her mother snapped, arms tightening around the girl as she clenched her teeth.

The aliens exchanged glances before the front one turned back and aimed the gun at her, his lips flicking up into a wicked grin like one had showed prior. "We'll see."

The plasma gun charged up and Allison's mother closed her eyes, hiding her own face in her daughter's soft hair. She murmured quiet reasurrances into the little girl's ear, consistently saying that everything would be alright.

The energy from the gun released and it hit her mother directly in the head, piercing her skin before blasting through the rusting wall. Allison screamed again and the young girl finally looked up to see her mother's head fall loosely, the side burned to the point of unrepairable with her expression unrecognisable.

"Mommy! Mommy!" young Allison yelled, shaking her mother in an attempt to wake her up, cheeks damp with tears that never faltered. Mist began flowing from her palms and her tears grew cold, to the point of freezing. They shattered each time they hit the floor, the shards almost acting like glass due to how fine they were.

One of the aliens stepped forward when given the okay to do so from the leader of this specific group. The alien gripped tightly onto the girl and Allison screamed again when she felt something colder then her powers jab her arm.

She wasn't strong enough to fight back and her powers weren't advanced enough to fight, she barely could control the voice echoing through her head. The entities words were murmurs at that current time, no words clear as it tried to scream for the host body to do something. Allison knew she'd never understand what she was... So, the young girl closed her eyes, letting tears trickle out as she fell limp.

One of the aliens flung her now limp body over their shoulder and left her mother's corpse, exiting the small home without a care in the world. In a foreign language, one of the aliens shouted instructions to their teammates, their mission succeeded as they now had the Ice Demon in their grasp. Slowly, the aliens followed the instructions shouted, leaving the corpses of those who had no information or refused to give the information demanded. In their wake, their was nothing bu death and destruction, the putrid smell of ash and blood filling the air.

As they made their way to the spaceship, Allison's ice blue eyes opened slowly and weakly, looking at the damage she was leaving behind. The alien's behind her captures all left empty handed apart from the large weapons they wielded. However, one thing that caught the young girl's eyes was a raccoon that was trapped in a cage one was holding. The poor animal trembled, whimpers slipping over their lips as they glanced around fearfully. But little did she know, that raccoon was going to become one of her closest friends and one of the only living things she's willing to trust.

The scene around her was scarring, something she'd have nightmares about for the rest of her life.

Young Allison Frost let her head fall, her eyes closing and quiet sobs escaping her mouth ceasing when her young mind processed the fact she wasn't going to be able to ever get her family back, never be able to get her life back. She slowly passed out, ignoring the blurred yells in her head from the chaotic entitiy within her.

But that was not all she'd have to deal with. Something Allison was told was a gift, something that she was told would eventually do good in the world, will turn into a curse, something she wished she never had in the first place.

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