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"Stop mentioning Star Wars"

CHAPTER TWENTY SIX"Stop mentioning Star Wars"

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GAMORA WAS CORRECT. NOTHING EVER was easy with this group.

You see, what had happened was that Rocket decided it would be a fantastic idea to steal a few Anulax batteries from the Sovereign. This act of crime could be punishable by death and of course Rocket had to take that risk because of an adrenaline rush or whatever.

"I seriously am questioning how I haven't frozen either of you yet!" Allison yelled in frustration over Peter and Rocket's irritating bickering, feeling a strand of her hair fade to the infamous bleach white.

She sat on the left side, fingers moving violently across the screen in front of her as she work to find a jump point. An exit for them. It was proving more difficult then she'd like.

"More incoming!"

"Great! I wanna kill some guys!" Rocket let out a battlecry as he aimed to takeout as many ships as he could in the ongoing spaceship.

The ship continued to sway side to side as attacks came from all sides and the Milano glided through space with spins and flips in an attempt to avoid being taken out.

Irritated, Gamora looked up from her seat, glaring at the back of Rocket's head. "You're not killing anyone.  All those ships are remotely piloted." Allison was surprised by how calm her tone was, but she could see that underneath the somewhat calm facade was a very angry and annoyed Guardian.


Frost's cheer in her head only made Allison more riled up. "Oh, for god sake, stop mentioning Star Wars!" She yelled over the destruction and chaos surrounding them.

"What's the nearest habitable planet?" Peter questioned through the chaos, gripping the steering wheel tighter as he glanced over his shoulder for a split second. In that split second, he saw Allison's pale face burning with fury, eyes flickering to Frost's cold glare before fading to her real gaze.

Allison's eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at the list of planets in the quadrant. Hopefully one that'd work for them and not kill them upon entry. Scrolling through, she placed her finger on a random one and was lucky to find that it was indeed inhabitable. "It's called Berhert."

"How many jumps?"

"One. But the access point is roughly 47 clicks away," Allison responded, her voice stern and each word coming out sharper then the last.

"And you have to go through that quantum asteroid field," Gamora added, narrowing her eyes as she looked ahead.

Peter didn't hesitate to swerve the Milano in the direction of the asteroid field. Jutting his hand to the left, the steering wheel followed and dragged the whole ship with it in a sharp turn. Allison's hands gripped tightly onto the arm rests on either side of her as she braced herself form some form of impact. She thought it was idiotic to go through an asteroid field.

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