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"Well... Your guess is as good as mine"

       FROST GLANCED BACK AT THE Abilisk as Rocket dragged its attention elsewhere, distracting the beast and forcing it to look up

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FROST GLANCED BACK AT THE Abilisk as Rocket dragged its attention elsewhere, distracting the beast and forcing it to look up. Tilting its head back gave the Ice Demon a look at the long red cut stretched out across its neck, the skin seeming to be thinner in that one spotc at least that's what she hoped.

"All right, there's a cut on its neck," Frost pointed up as her and Peter glided back to the ground beside Gamora. "That skin's gonna be thinner."

Peter nodded, agreeing with her statement before reactivating his helmet. "Rocket! Get it to look up!"

As he took off, the Ice Demon followed, closing her hands together and producing a large orb of ice. She threw it at the Abilisk's head, getting it to look up alongside Rocket, who was firing like a mad man. Peter was beside her, all three of them working together to distract the Abilisk for Gamora, but she still didn't have a good shot.

As the Abilisk used its fire breath, the thing that made Frost reluctant to join this mission, Rocket's blaster caught on fire and Frost was forced back due to the heat. She gritted her teeth together, feeling sweat immediately build up around her hairline as she got clear, visibly irritated by the ability as she hugged her now aching body.

"You all right?" Peter questioned as he glided to her level. Frost nodded with a sharp inhale of breath, unwrapping her arms from around her body and forcing her hands together and pushing an ice beam forward.

Meanwhile below, Gamora attempted to fire at the Abilisk and take it out for good, but found her blaster malfunctioning. It clicked abruptly as she pulled the trigger, signalling to be jammed somewhere. Gamora sighed heavily, chucking it to the side and drawing her blade, swinging her arm out to extend it to its full length.

She hurried forward, ignoring Peter's distant yelling as the Abilisk caught him in one of its tentacles. Gamora leaped over the creature's attacks, jumping onto one of the tentacles to lift herself further into the air. She bounded, using one foot to push herself high enough and aim for the neck. She was accurate, digging her blade into the cut she aimdd for, dragging her sword down its neck as she fell.

The alien cries out in pain, groaning and letting go of Peter finally, throwing him. He quickly caught himself, gliding back to where Frost hovered, the pair of them watching as it flopped to the side, a yellow substance leaking out from the slice through its neck.

Drax's grunting was heard before he slid out, sliding across the platform as the other Guardians watched him, all of them now standing on the fround instead of flying every which way above.

He began laughing obnoxiously. "Yes! I have single-handedly vanquished the beast!" Frost rolled her eyes and threw a small ice beam at her teammate, making Drax cut his laughter off, staring at the Ice Demon with a confused expression. "What?"

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