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"You wouldn't dare!"

       "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU COULD'VE killed us all!" Drax exclaimed as Rocket spun in his chair, turning to face the four behind him

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU COULD'VE killed us all!" Drax exclaimed as Rocket spun in his chair, turning to face the four behind him.

He rose an eyebrow. "Uh, thank you Rocket?" He exaggerated, waiting expectingly for someone to show gratitude.

"We had it under control," Drax claimed, only for Mantis to disprove it as Peter and Frost reached the vehicle.

"We did not," Mantis denied. "That is only an extension of his true self. He will be back soon."

"What's Smurfette doing here?" Peter exclaimed, trying to push past Frost to get to Nebula. Frost stayed in front of him though, pressing her hands to his chest and pushing him further away from her and to simply sit down.

"Whatever I need to do to get a damn ride home!"

"She tried to murder me!" Rocket yelled, motioning to the cybernetic woman.

"I saved you, you stupid fox!" Nebula snapoed back, stiffly turning her head to glare at the animal.

"He's not a fox," Gamora quickly cut in, standing in front of her sister with arms crossed and an anger gaze.

"I am Groot!" Groot spoke up, jumping up and down at the Guardians feet to tey and be heard.

"I'm not a rabboon either!" Rocket corrected.

Frost sighed abruptly, rubbing her temples with some mist flowing of her pale skin and coating the floor.

"I am Groot."

"Raccoon, whatever."

As Rocket swiftly spun around in his chair, ready to get the hell off of that planet, Ego attacked again. Surrounding the vehicle, bright energy based tendrill bursted out from the ground, wrapping around their ship and holding them in place.

"How do we kill a celestial?" Drax yelled over the ruckus.

Frost almost decided to try and freeze one of the energy tendrills but Peter grabbed her forearm before she could, pulling her further inside. He was making sure to be extra careful regarding Frost's recklessness, and the Ice Demon knew it was him trying to keep Allison safe. "I swear to god, if you get yourself hurt, or possibly killed, I'll burn those Star Wars disks you stole," he hissed in her ear before releasing her arm.

Frost gasped faintly, glaring at Peter who was casting her a teasing smirk whilst passing the Guardians with a limp. "You wouldn't dare!" she growled, her jaw clenched as her arms slowly folded across her chest. No one touches her Star Wars DVDs, she's had them for about a year after finding them in some planet's store. Yeah, she didn't buy them, she just stole them. But, it wouldn't be Frost if she hadn't.

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