Chapter 12

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Location: Victoria 

Carrying the unconscious Seraph, Indra enters a hotel before making way to the front counter with an employee behind it. She then shows a badge to the employee, causing him to flip a switch under the counter, once he did the wall behind him splits open, revealing a few staircases that lead down.

Indra then starts to descend down the stairway while trying not to down Seraph. Luckily, she was able to make it through as the doorway closes behind her. She then arrives at a steel door and knocks on it.

???: Who is it?

Indra: It's me you idiot, open up!

The steel door then opens up to reveal a male Feline.

???: Hehe... Sorry about that boss.

Indra: I'm not the boss anymore Bobby, Verna is now...

Bobby: R-Right, sorry... anyway who's-

Bobby stops and notices the unconscious Seraph on Indra's shoulder.

Bobby: Holy shit! That's the guy on the news! The guy that cured those Oripathy Infected Patients at the Londinium Hospital! But why is he unconscious?

Bobby questions as Indra sighs.

Indra: Unfortunately, I had to knock him out when he started "resisting". Come on, help me settle him down.

Bobby: Right.

Bobby then helps Indra carry Seraph to a nearby couch and settle him down as they wait for him to wake up.

Unknown to everyone, Seraph was having another vision.

Seraph's Vision

"Over here! We've got a live one!"


"I've got to admit I'm surprised. I didn't think the kid would recover so fast."

"Where did you found him?"

"Found him next to his dead parents when the village burned down. Fucking bastards, thinking they're doing it for the good only it to make it worse."


"You're serious right? The story of 'the Kid and the Great Machine' was met to be a fairy tale, not some realistic fiction bullshit."


"Breaking a subject's will and erasing their mind is a difficult and painful process."

"That's a small price to pay."


"Our mind control program has had a great deal of success with implanted memories."

"You want me to tell them about my time in the Civil War?"


"Lastly, we need to hope that the 'Thing' would accept him."


"We did it, we did it! The subject has been chosen!"


"Now this is the Law of the Jungle, as old and as true as the sky. The wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die."

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