Chapter 15

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Texas: How do you feel?

Seraph: Like I'm going to vomit.

Texas: Relax, at least you made it...

Seraph: Says the one that was driving like a mad man!

Currently, the group of four was having a break right outside of a town. Seraph was snaking a bit after his ride with Texas while his phoenix just sits on his head, not bothered by the snaking. 

Exusiai: We got a few more miles to get back to Lungmen, so just bear with it just a little bit, okay?

Seraph: Easy for you to say...

Seraph then looks around the location they're in. From what he saw, they're in a small isolated town with a mountain in the distance. The buildings were old, some of them even in ruins. From what Seraph could guess, they're in a mining town. 

Seraph Thoughts: Must be a mining town, meaning that they're mining Originium from that mountain. And when there's Originium, that means...

Seraph takes another look to see the town folk. Most of them in worn-out ragged clothes with signs of Oripathy on their bodies. 

Seraph: Infected... Most of the individuals here are Infected.

Seraph acknowledged, gaining the crew's attention as Mostima follows his gaze.

Mostima: Yeah... They're the ones that are doing the mining. Those who aren't infected keep an eye on them to make sure they do their job.

Mostima sighs before continuing.

Mostima: It's a sad life, but those who have Oripathy infection... are treated badly then those who aren't. 

Seraph didn't say anything as he continues to look at the town folk before sighing.

Texas: I know what you're thinking.

Seraph: Then you know what I'm about to do. Let's go Praxic.

Pulling up his hood, Seraph starts walking towards the town with his phoenix following behind him. However, Exusiai rushes up in front of him and stops him from going any further with a nervous expression on her face.

Exusiai: Hey, hey, hey, wait a second. Look, I know you can cure Oripathy and all, but you need to think about this one. There's a reason why these people are mining Originum. Whoever is in charge here is probably working for some big shot, and you don't wanna deal with their business-

Seraph: Look, I understand that you don't want to stick your nose where it belongs, but I can't just stand and watch while people suffer. There was a saying, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world". So I'll deal with this by myself.

Texas was caught off guard by Seraph's serious tone. Not what she expect from a person like him. 

Seraph walks around Exusiai before entering the mining town as the rest of the group watch.

Mostima: Umm, Texas? Should we go and stop him? Who knows what trouble he'll get himself involve in.

Texas didn't say anything as she continues watching Seraph enter further into the mining town. She then lets out a long sigh before pulling out her sword as she enters the town as well, surprising both Exusiai and Mostima. 

Exusiai: Uhh, Texas? What are you-

Texas: Get your gear, we're going in.

Exusiai and Mostima look at each other for a brief moment before grabbing their gear. Exusiai got her SMG while Mostima with her staff. They then follow Texas as the three enter the town.


Looking around the town, Seraph sees the town folk laying down on the streets some of them even going through garbage for food.

Seraph Thoughts: Such a shame how the world has gotten to this mess.

???: I'm begging you, sir! Please help my brother!

Seraph: Huh?

Hearing a voice of a boy, Seraph turns to see a little Ursus boy pulling someone's clothes from which Seraph could tell was some kind of guard. 

Ursus Boy: Please! Please help me get him out!

The guard lets out an annoyed sigh before looking at the boy with an angry look. 

Guard: Listen here you little brat! People died everyday from mining! SO GO BACK AND DO YOUR JOB!!!

The guard then raises his hand and was about to slap the boy until he was grabbed by the wrist. 

Guard: Huh? Who-?!

The guard looks back to see Seraph having a firm grip on his wrist, surprising him. The Ursus boy was also surprise by the sudden appearance. 

Guard: What the hell are y- GAH!

Seraph immediately palm strikes the guard in the stomach and knees his face before throwing him into a nearby trash can. After that, he looks back to see the boy looking at him.

Seraph: With that taken care. I heard you mention your brother is hurt inside?

The Ursus boy nods his head, answering Seraph's question. Moments later, a few more guards appear and surround Seraph and the boy. The town folk and miners stop what they're doing to see what was happening.

Seraph: Stay behind me. I'll handle this. 

Following Seraph's instructions, the Ursus boy gets behind him and hugs his leg as Seraph unsheathes his sword along with Praxic entering his combat form. 

Guard 2: Look, kid, I don't know who you are or what's your business here, but you got yourself into some deep shit.

Seraph: That's good to hear. Because I'm here to teach all of you a lesson.

Guard 3: You got a deathwish, kid!? Fine, GET HIM!

The guards rushed forward while Seraph waits a bit before slashing his sword outward. 


Texas, Exusiai, and Mostima were rushing through the town, trying to catch up with Seraph. As they run through the town, they saw a few of the town folk running past. Exusiai stops one of a few before asking them a question. 

Exusiai: Excuse me, sir, but do you know what's going on?

Miner: You hadn't heard? A massive fight just broke out!

Texas: Where?

Miner: Just up ahead! But be careful! The kid was sending the guards everywhere!

Texas, Exusiai, and Mostima: Huh? 

Suddenly, a guard flew past the group before crashing into a building. 

Miner: Eep! Gotta blast! 

The miner runs away as the group looks to see more guards land on the ground, heavily injured. They look up to see Praxc let out a war cry before diving back down. 

Exusiai: Ah, jeez.

Mostima: Sooooo, I'm gonna guess that Seraph was involve in this?

Texas: ...

Waiting for the action to stop, the group continues on through the town, passing by several injured guards along the way. 


With the last guard taken care of, Seraph hostlers his sword before looking back at the boy as Praxic lands on his forearm.

Seraph: So, where is your brother?

End Of Chapter

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