Chapter 21

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Seraph: ..... 

Winnower: .... 

Seraph: Sooo....

Winnower: ?

Seraph: Now what?

Winnower: You asking me, boy? I thought you have this under control?

Seraph: Under control? Oh yeah! It's not like there's the unconscious leader of the Reunion right in front of us, much less RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR FUCKING HEADQUARTERS!?!?!

To say mad is a understatement. Currently, a panic Seraph is having trouble of planning himself to get out of this dire situation while the Winnower just gives him a deadpan stare. All while the unconscious Talulah lays before them. 

Seraph: Oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man! I'm going to have a panic attack! I'M GOING TO HAVE A PANIC ATTACK!!!

While Seraph was screaming his head off, Winnower was silent, looking at the unconscious Talulah, focusing only on her. Seraph notices this and immediately looks at the anomaly. 

Seraph: Are you even paying attention?!?

Winnower: Yes, I was, boy. But to be frank, I would rather have my ears intact after that screaming nonsense. 

Winnower replied still focusing on Talulah. While Seraph just looks at the anomaly, his eyes twitching a bit before he just gives up, crouching down as he hugs his knees.

Seraph: I don't get why I'm destine for this......

Seraph mummers to himself which got the Winnower curious a little.

Winnower: Truth... is a funny thing.

Seraph: Huh?

Confuse, Seraph looks up at the Winnower, who was observing the city below.

Winnower: Does it live in the world? Or in the mind?

Down below, Frostnova and Patriot were hurrying their way towards the main tower before noticing something was off. The street ahead of them was starting to warp and bend a little while nearby a large Originium shard was starting to crack before being reduce to ashes. Patriot quickly rushes to raise his shield, protecting him and Frostnova, expecting something to happen..... only for it not to come. 

Winnower: Is it constant? Or can it be bend?

Elsewhere, W and her group of mercenaries were also heading for the tower, but stopped when their vision suddenly warps, finding themselves in a familiar war-torn country. Immediately they stop, shock to see they're back in their home country. Before they could react, their vision suddenly went blind, founding themselves back at the ruins of Chernobog.

Winnower: Who decides what is true? In this universe of Light and Dark.

Back on the ground floor, the Reunion soldier, Avenger, and Heavy Defender manage to get a hold of themselves as they stand back up in the elevator they were in. The Avenger presses the button for the top floor, only for it not to work, he then presses it again and again, each press giving him an error. Frustrated, he immediately punches the panel, breaking it. Yet somehow, it works as the sound of ding echoes as the elevator begins to move up.

Winnower: There is no higher power.

Suddenly, Seraph's vision begins to haze, the corners of his eyes beginning to bur as there was a sudden flash. Reopening his eyes, he notices that the tower he was in is completely brand new, which he soon realized in the past, before the Reunion's attack. Before he could look around, his vision flashes again, sending him back to the present with the Winnower now staring down at him.

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