Chapter 23

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Seraph: ...There. It's done.

Minutes? Hours? Seraph wasn't sure how long it took him to cure the people of the Reunion, but it didn't matter to him. What matters is that he has done it, seeing the cries of joy from those he had cured. If he were honest with himself, it felt.... good, which was strange, coming from the thoughts of an almost graduated university student. Just the sight of the formerly infected cheering amongst themselves was quite new to the liberi.

Reunion Soldier: YES!! I can finally ask my girl out back at Victoria!

A Reunion soldier happily shouted, 18 years old from what Seraph can tell, which surprised him to see such a young age within a movement. 

Sarkaz Swordsman: Really now? Didn't know you got the guts PJ.

Commented a Sarkaz Swordsman, a lot older then the Reunion Soldier. Around 30 years old, Seraph estimates in his head. 

Reunion Soldier: Yep! I'm gonna ask her out on a date when I get back. I even bought flowers!

Replied the happy Reunion Solider, pulling out a locket from his neck before opening to reveal a picture of a Draco girl. 

Sarkaz Swordsman: Heh, best not to get yourself killed. Can't have your girl died of a broken heart.

Reunion Soldier: Hmph! As if you had gotten yourself a girlfriend, Larry. 

The comment ticked off the Sarkaz mercenary, despite this he remain calm, resisting the urge to do any harm to the young soldier.

Sarkaz Swordsman: You better watch yourself.

The mercenary whispers under his breath, out from the ear sight of the soldier.

Elsewhere afar, the ringleaders continue watching Seraph perform his miracle among the Reunion. However, Patriot wasn't with them; when Frostnova was asked where he went, she replied that he went to talk with the Winnower, earning a mild surprise from the two.

Talulah: Just thinking about this is giving me a existential crisis.

Talulah spoke up, earning a raised brow from W.

W: The hell you talking about?

Talulah: I mean... after what the Winnower said... does this mean we're not the only ones alone in this universe?

W: What does that have to do with any of it?

Talulah: Think about it. The Winnower proclaims itself to be a creator of everything. If what it said is true there could be worlds out there that could be the same as ours, but different. Imagine Terra coming in contact with other outsiders! 

W could only stare at her leader, rather dumbfounded from what she said.

W: ...Why are you talking like it's a upcoming event for a mobile game?

Frostnova: I think you're missing the point.

W just shrugs.

W: Eh, I still don't believe this universal mumbo jumbo crap. Unless four-eyes over there agrees the same.

Replied W, pointing her thumb at Seraph who was curing another Infected. 

Seraph: Hmm, yes, it's not like I already went through my 7th existential crisis and had already accepted the fact that the "God" is a creator and destroyer of everything!

W: Wait, you're serious?

Seraph: I don't know? It's not like my current mood is giving it away... DOES IT!?

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