Chapter 1

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Location: Classroom

Professor: Welcome back class! As you all know today will be your Caster Test, this test will determine your abilities of using Originium Arts.

Everyone's attention then focuses on the Professor.

Professor: Allow me to explain once more again about Originium in general, Originium is a Crystallized Black Substance with endless potential energy, society today use Originium for numerous things, electricity, engine's, power plants, etc.

Seraph Thoughts: Don't we already know about this stuff?

Professor: Of course, its not perfect, usage of high amount of Originium or have high exposed to this substances in general will have a risk of Oripathy Infection, which will have a 100% mortality rate.

Seraph then starts to space out probably about that dream he had. 

???: Hey!

Seraph quickly regains his focus when someone snaps his fingers in front of him.

Seraph: Huh?

???: Quit spacing out will you? Were going to the courtyard to start our test, so hurry up!

Seraph: Right. Sorry...

???: [sigh] what's wrong with you today, Seraph?

Seraph: It's nothing, Boris. You're just overreacting.

Boris was Seraph roommate. They first became friends during high school and later on went to college together. 

Boris: Well...try not to push yourself, even though this is a Caster Test, all you have to do is simple, hit 5 targets with Originium Arts then you pass...

Seraph: Dude, I have been studying for my entire life. I already know what we'll be doing.

Boris: [sigh] come on, lets just go, the Professor and the rest of the students are already at the courtyard...

Seraph: Right

The two then walk through the corridors of the campus. Moments pass as Seraph and Boris made it into the courtyard, seeing some of the students have already finished their test, others are still waiting. There were other Professors as well, witnessing the students and recording their records.

Professor: Ah! There you two are, I was wonder where both of you went...

Boris: Sorry Professor, my friend Seraph was spacing out a bit.

Professor: Oh really?

Seraph: *Waves his hand* Don't worry about it, I just want to get this over with.

Professor: Hmm, well, in that case, there's some Originium for both of you at the counters over there, be careful to NOT absorb too much, it will cause you to have Oripathy Infection.

Seraph and Boris: Understood Professor. 

The two then went to a counter that had Black Crystallizing Substances laying on it, Seraph looks over his shoulder to see Boris concentrating as he was absorbing small parts of the Originium into his body.

Seraph Thoughts: I just need to absorb a little that's all.

Seraph turns his attention back towards the Originium that was laying in front of him on the counter, he then place his hand close to it.

Seraph tries to focus on absorbing the Originium, then the next thing that happens is the entire substance of Originium completely dissolve before getting absorbed into him, he then glows a bit surprising him.

Seraph: ...Well that's unexpected.

Boris: Hey you done?

Seraph: !

Seraph quickly turns his attention towards Boris.

Seraph: Yeah, I'm done. You?

Boris: U-Uhh...yea I'm done, come on its our turn know, the rest of the students have already finished with the test...

Seraph: Right behind you.

Boris then walks towards the Professors with Seraph following close behind him, Seraph watches as Boris did his test.

Professor: Excellent work of your Originium Arts Boris. 

Boris: Thank you Professor!

Woodmen: Alright Seraph, you're the last one, please be in position.

Seraph: Yes, sir.

Seraph then starts walking where Boris was standing as he started walking towards him, he then stops as he pats Seraph in the back.

Boris: Look, all you have to do is hit those targets near that wall over there, then you're all good, okay? You got this.

Seraph replied with a thumbs up as he stood where Boris was, he saw targets at the distance near a wall just like Boris said, he took a deep breath before reaching out with his hand.

"Those who have stared into the void are not bound by the laws of space and time."

Seraph Thoughts: Who was that?

Seraph thought what the voice his head said, suddenly he felt something infusing itself into his palm. Then a large purple sphere was launch at one of the targets, once it made contact, it creates a chain reaction of an explosion followed by a vortex sucking things towards it while 3 seekers finish off the rest.

Everyone: O_O

Everyone was speechless, most of the courtyard was completely obliterated oblivion, anywhere within the radius of the area where the targets were being annihilated, in the far distance was nothing but multiple craters.

Seraph: Uhhhhhhh.... Was that suppose to happen?

End Of Chapter

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