Chapter 16

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A guard shouted as he opens fire on Seraph, only for him to block the bullets with his sword. Seraph then slashes the gun, cutting it in half as he slowly approaches the guard, his hands glowing with void energy.

Guard 1: SHIT!!! Umm...

The guard drops the broken gun and quickly pulls out his machete before charging towards Seraph.


Seraph sighed as he caught the blade with the energy impulse from his hand. Everyone, including the little Ursus boy hiding behind Seraph, was in shock and awe at the action. The machete then scatters as Seraph palm strikes the guard down, scaring him as he grabs a nearby plastic cone.  

Guard 1: Just who the hell do you think you are?!

Seraph: I'm just a college student passing by.

Seraph replies as a purple orb charges up in his palm. The scared guard rises the cone for protection.


Delivering a Atomic Breach, Seraph hits the guard in the balls, sending him through multiple buildings of the isolated town. The other guards keep their distances from Seraph, some of them still wanting to fight while others were frighten by his actions.

Guard 2: Holy shit! He took out Grif! 

Guard 3: You idiots, let us show him how it's done! Bring out the Snipers!

A squad leader ordered as a group of Snipers from the back rear with crossbows appear and aim at Seraph.

Seraph Thoughts: Crap, I wouldn't be able to block all of those bolts.

Seraph thought to himself as he looks down at the Ursus boy.

Seraph: I'm sorry kid...

Ursus Boy: I-It's alright, mister. You were just trying to help...

Guard 3: FIRE!!!

A volley of bolts was sent flying towards Seraph and the Ursus boy. Seraph stabs his sword into the ground and uses his body to cover the Ursus boy as he grips tightly on his leg and closes his eyes. 

But to Seraph's surprise, he didn't felt anything, confusing him. Looking back, he saw the bolts sticking out before were block by a light-blue hue that was surrounding his body. What surprises him even more is that there was a massive rift underneath him. He then looks at his sword which was coursing solar energy in the rift. 

Seraph Thoughts: A new discovery to my power...?

Exusiai: Apple-pie!

Seraph was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice. Out of nowhere, Texas, Mostima, and Exusiai took out the remaining guards, catching them by surprise. Exusiai started shooting. Texas slashes with her two swords infuse with Originium energy while Mostima uses her staff, casting her arts at the guards. Seraph watches the scene as he covers the Ursus boy's eyes, not wanting him to see the violence. Soon after, the remaining guards retreated through the town.  

Seraph sighed as he removes his sword from the ground, causing the rift to disappear as he hostlers it to his back. He felt a tug on his coat as he looks once again at the Ursus boy. 

Ursus Boy: Y-Your friends saved us...

Seraph: Yeah... I guess they did.

Seraph smiles at the boy, causing him to smile back. Soon, the Penguin Logistics trio rushes towards Seraph to see if he's okay.

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