Its about that time

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Sitting in front of the building my brother Von could possible be in made me sick to my stomach. I felt like I was at Six Flags waiting to get on one of the most scariest roller coasters of my life. I wanted to cry so bad my nerves would not stop messing with me. This is the worst feeling in the world, but I would do anything for my brother. We came from nothing, and I would put my life on the line so that Von could be something. I just couldn't get a break. I hated my sisters and my mother for all they did to both Von and me. But right now today is all about Von I just couldn't wait to get him out of there.

" Are you ready Shy'Ana ? I need you to be focused at all times. If something doesn't seem right run back out. " The whole ride D-low has been giving me prep talk, but why would he want me to run out ? He didn't care about my safety so why would he want me to leave out of the building without his sisters if things went wrong ?

" I understand I got this. " Was my only response. I wanted to run the other way but I couldn't I had to do this. D-low handed me the briefcase with the ten stacks in it. His father was more so worried about the amount of money they wanted. He knew it had to be something else they wanted because no one would just take three kids for ten thousand dollars. It made no since.

" Now once your completely In the building we will be a few minutes behind you. Don't be afraid you got this. " D-low was talking a lot of shit to me every since the kids got taken, but today was different. I guess he needed me as much as he said he didn't after all.

" You told me. You told me. " I was kinda sick of going over the plan, so I was the first to get out of the van. I guess everyone was waiting for me to gather my courage to get out anyway.

I started walking towards the building I was not going to stop walking until my brother was in my arms. The deal was once I was in the building the kids will be released outside to D-low and his father a few seconds later. The part I was truly was nervous about was one the kidnappers only letting the twins go, two D-low keeping his promise to me. He promised that once the kids were out they would follow me inside making sure I was safe. I was hooked up to all kinds of wires and a ear piece so that I would be able to hear D-lows voice when he announced thee kids were safe.

As soon as I entered the building the door shut and it got dark immediately. To say I was scared was an understatement I couldn't see behind me but I could see I front of me due to a little light that shined down the hall. I started to get really nervous because D-low have not informed me that the kids were okay yet , and I was told that they would be released as soon as I got inside. I started walking towards the light not looking back.

" Shy we good baby we got um.. They are okay !" I heard D-low yell in my ear. I was so happy that my brother and the twins were okay I wanted to ask so many questions, but I was to scared to even open my mouth. Part of me wanted to start running back the other way, but I would have never made it out. So I kept on walking.

" STOP !! No need to go further Shy." There was a voice coming from my right but I couldn't see who it was. My mind kept telling me to go towards the light which was straight ahead. I was not trying to die In the dark. Where the fuck was D-low ?. I was played once again.

" You got my money ? " The voice asked. I already knew who it was once he said money.

" Yes it's right here" I said but he was unable to see me due to the darkness.

" Good now back up until you hit the wall and turn on the light. "
I did as told and turned on the light. I was beyond surprised. Not by Ray, but by my sister who was just standing by his side like he was god.

"YOU BITCH !!! " I screamed as I went charging for her, but only to get hit by Rays fist. I immediately hit the ground.

" Girl did you really think you could touch me hoe ?" Miya, my blood sister who kidnapped her own brother said.

" How could you ?" I cried from floor.

" Shut up !! You thought you was bad ass fucking with me and my sister ? We hate you Shy'Ana! We hated you so much. It's all because of you. Mama hated us because of your stupid fucking father. We had everything before you were born, but mama had to go get pregnant. As soon as you were born everything we once had was gone. Mama started doing drugs and bringing random guys to the house. Those guys didn't want a crack head shy ! They wanted us.... We were innocent kids who just wanted things to go back the way they use to be before you was born. Your not better then us shy ! You thought you was better then us and your not. !!!" I was so scared of this crazy bitch. I was really confused though. Why was she with Ray ? What does he have to do with this ? Where is her twin ? Why would she take our brother ? I was just really clueless.

" You hate me Miya,but I did nothing to you. You act like I wanted to live this life. I have a mother who hates me just as much as my sisters. The only person I have is my brother. We have nothing !! How could you hate a bitch who has nothing ? " I was angry. How could she ? No matter how much she hates me I'm her sister, her younger sister.

" Oh shut up bitch you always thought you were better then us. Shit even mama noticed it. Thats why your ass gotta go. Baby I'm done talking to this hoe kill her. " She turned her attention towards Ray. How did she even know him? Miya was 25 years old, Ray was my age.

" Why you Ray ? Why would you take you own friend sisters ? " I wanted to know. Because nothing was adding up to me.

" Don't worry about Ray. He's the least of your problems. " Miya Warned.

" I wanna know why you two would come up with a stupid plan like this ?. You know what D-low would do to the both of you ?" I had to put some type of fear in their hearts.

" Ain't nobody scared of D-low ass. I took his sisters because they talk to damn much. It's not like they were the targets. Your stuck up ass was. I have something for his ass doe. He will soon get his as well." Ray and Miya were meant to be together because the jealousy was real.

" Shy you are my sister, but you gotta go". Miya was a little to calm for me. And I knew it was over once she pulled the gun out of her waist....

* I just knew I wasn't going to Finnish this story. I started writing this book in 2013 it's now 2015😒... When I tell you I had no idea where I was going with this story I had no idea. This was my first story, and my errors were so real it's ridiculous. I've grown over the years and I didn't wanna Finnish this book because I knew I could do a lot better. I still have words and grammar issues sometimes but it's gotten a little better. I may or may not continue this story after I finish the whole book. Just stay tuned for more updates for Shy'Ana story for now until I figure out what I am going to do next. If you haven't read love is blind you should really do so☺️ or my new story foolish you won't be disappointed. Thank you my supporters.

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