Home Siege.

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"Wake up, love," Legolas cooed as he kissed my forehead while I yawned and stretched my arms, "It's time."

Filled with excitement, anticipation and anxiety all on one, I stood up, helping Legolas to his feet.

I had been looking forward to this moment for centuries, the day I would avenge my homeland. But now the day had come, I was lost.

I was overwhelmed with a fierce desire to be back at Mirkwood with Legolas. I had lived there for centuries now and founded a family there, surely Mirkwood should be a home.

Of course, I loved Mirkwood. Most of my happy memories included the woodland realm. I married Legolas there, became a Princess and not to mention the many nights I shared with Legolas. Then there was our wonderful children, they had been born and raised in Mirkwood.

Perhaps I shouldn't have even tried to come back to Moria. After all, I could happily live in Mirkwood forever and forget Moria. The Mines of Moria had been unoccupied for centuries, it's not like anyone was forcing me to take it back. No one would have blamed me if I declared Moria a lost cause and simply let the place rot.

But then again, as much as I loved Mirkwood, Moria would always be my childhood home. All my fond memories of me and my father came from Moria.

I would rather go down knowing I at least tried to liberate my homeland than go down being the woman who gave up on her homeland.

"You ok?" Legolas asked quietly as he took my hand, leading me through our ranks of soldiers who were all readying themselves for the battle.

"I'm fine," I sighed, taking out my axe, "Just anxious..."

"It's going to be fine," Legolas said reasuring me as we made our way towards the largest crack in the ground, "And hours from now when you take out the last of the goblins, your childhood home will be free again."

"Thank you," I sighed as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"For what?" He questioned.

"For sticking by me all these years and now helping me liberate my home, even though you yourself have no reason to do so."

When finally we found ourselves at the nearest split in the ground. The gap was huge, the split reaching maybe a few miles into the rock. Along the edge, our soldiers were standing next to huge barrels of oil, all poised and waiting to be poured.

Beneath the barrels, smoldering coals which had been burning for a few hours now, were glowing under them, heating up the oil. It was on the verge of boiling, with a few pockets of gas bubbling to the surface.

The soldiers awaited my order, ready to tip the barrels of boiling oil into the crevasse.

All eyes were on me as I made my way over to the nearest barrel, Legolas following close behind. Together, we braced the barrel and Legolas waited for my approval before we began to push.

Before we knew it, the searing hot liquid fell through the air, sloshing against the cold stone, hissing all the way down. All the soldiers pushed their barrels, following our example and I watched with a malicious smile as a tsunami of boiling oil drained down the walls, running deeper and deeper, leaving rivers streaming down.

At last we heard the screams of the enemy. We could hear the searing of flesh and the hissing of the Goblins and the Orcs as the oil fell down on them.

Listening to it was like music to my ears but the fun wasn't over yet.

Kicking the pike of smouldering hot coals which the barrels of oil had been boiling on, I watched heartily as the coals dropped into the abyss.

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